Running the Billing GST Determination Process

Run the Billing GST Determination batch Application Engine process (BIEXSDFLT) following the RMA Adjustment (BIRMAADJ) and Billing Interface (BIIF0001) processes to perform GST determination for invoices that are created by the RMA adjustment process. The Finalization process (BIIVC000) does not select invoices where India GST defaults have not been applied (EXS_DFLTS_APPLIED = N). The Billing GST Determination process does not perform tax calculations; it calls the common Tax Determination process for default parameters.

This topic provides an overview of the Billing GST Determination process and lists pages used to run the Billing GST Determination process.

Note: You can initiate the Billing GST Determination process from three different pages. See Pages Used to Run the Billing GST Determination Process.

The Billing GST determination process should be run only for RMA adjustment invoices. (Standard invoices for sales orders will have already had India excise and sales tax information supplied by default through either Order Management or Inventory processes).

Page Name

Definition Name


Run Excise, ST/VAT Defaults Page


Select run control criteria and call the GST Defaulting process. The system processes the bill activity that meets the search criteria and that requires India tax processing.

The Billing GST Determination process:

  1. Identifies bill headers and bill lines that need GST determination, and updates those bill header and bill line records with a process instance number.

  2. Populates the EXS_TXDLB_TAO table and calls the common Tax Determination process. Prior to calling this function, the calling application must:

    • Set the tax calculation date (TAX_CALC_DT) for each selected bill line. The calling application populates TAX_CALC_DT with BI_LINE. SHIP_DATE if it is not null, or populates it with BI_HDR. INVOICE_DT if it is not null; otherwise, the application populates it with the system date.

    • Set Trading Partner Type (EXS_TPRTNR_TYPE) to C (customer).

    • Set Trading Partner SetID (EXS_TPRTNR_SETID) to the SetID that is associated with the Billing business unit.

    • Set Trading Partner ID (EXS_TPRTNR_ID) to BI_LINE. SHIP_TO_CUST_ID if it is not blank; otherwise, set it to BI_HDR. BILL_TO_CUST_ID.

    • Set Trading Partner Location (ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM) to BI_LINE. SHIP_TO_ADDR_NUM if it is not blank; otherwise, set it to BI_HDR. ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM.

    • Set the Item and Product Kit Use flag (EXS_PROD_KIT_USE) to P (product kit), I (items), or N (not applicable), in that order.

    • Set Item or Product SetID (EXS_ITM_PROD_SETID). Use the Inventory business unit for items and the Order Management business unit for product kits, or leave it blank if neither product kit nor Inventory item ID is available.

    • Set, in the following order, Item or Product Kit ID (EXS_ITM_PROD_ID) to Product Kit (PRODUCT_KIT_ID) or Inventory Item ID (INV_ITEM_ID), or leave it blank if neither product kit nor item ID is available.

    • Determine which business unit value to use for tax determination, and set the ORG_BU_TYPE value accordingly. If an Inventory business unit exists, use the Inventory business unit. If no Inventory business unit exists, use the Order Management business unit. If no Order Management business unit exists, use the Billing business unit.

    • Determine ship-from country, ship-from state, ship-to country, and ship-to state.

  3. Retrieves the Tax Determination output parameters from the transaction line parent table (EXS_TXDLB_TAO) and passes them to the bill line table (BI_LINE).

  4. Inserts a row into the application transaction child detail table (BI_LINE_EXS_DTL) for each row that is returned by the Tax Determination process in the transaction line child detail temporary table.

  5. Performs the necessary validations for each transaction line.

  6. Sets the GST Defaults Applied flag (EXS_DFLTS_APPLIED) to reflect the value that the Tax Determination common process returns.

    • Sets EXS_DFLTS_APPLIED to Y when GST is applicable and the bill line has no error.

    • Leaves EXS_DFLTS_APPLIED unchanged if a bill line has an error

  7. Logs messages to report the number of bills that are processed successfully and the number of bills that are in error.

  8. Performs final updates.

    • Sets the bill header's bill status to pending if the bill header is marked with an error.

    • Resets the process instance to zero for bill headers that are marked for GST determination processing (see step 2).

    • Resets the process instance to zero for bill lines that are marked for GST determination processing (see step 2).