Running the Currency Conversion Process (BICURCNV)

This topic provides an overview of the Currency Conversion process and discusses how to run the Currency Conversion process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Currency Conversion


Run the currency conversion process for regular invoices.

Currency Conversion (Consol)


Run the currency conversion process for consolidated invoices.

Currency conversion process calculates base currency and euro currency amount values and stores them in the PeopleSoft Billing tables with the amounts in the bill transaction currency. The process can perform calculations on bills that are not yet finalized by storing the converted amounts as estimated values and on finalized bills to calculate final converted values, which are needed by subsequent processes such as the Load AR and Load GL processes.

If you process bills using a cycle billing approach rather than a single action approach, invoicing and printing your bills throughout each day but loading to Accounts Receivable and General Ledger less frequently (perhaps weekly or monthly), you can schedule periodic currency conversion runs (perhaps daily at the end of the day) to finalize currency conversions for any newly invoiced bills. Doing so enables you to defer currency conversion to an after-hours schedule, but still have it performed well in advance of scheduled runs that Load to AR or Load to GL.

Note: You must run the Billing Currency Conversion process prior to running the Billing Pre-Load Process, the Load AR Pending Items process, or the Load GL Interface process even if you are not using multiple currencies.

The Billing Currency Conversion process (BICURCNV) is normally included in several jobs, including Currency Conversion & Load AR (BIJOB05), Currency Conversion & Load GL (BIJOB06), Single Action Invoice (BIJOB03), and Single Action Invoice Consolidation (BIJOB04). However, you can also run it independently, using the process as a separate utility to estimate the converted currency values for uninvoiced activity prior to building new accumulation balances or for timing reasons.

Warning! The Currency Conversion process is not designed for concurrent processing. Conflict may occur when two Currency Conversion processes attempt to access the same data.

If you use the euro or base currency amounts of accumulation balances in your processing, and you want to include uninvoiced amounts in the accumulation balances, run the Currency Conversion process to estimate the converted currency values for uninvoiced activity prior to building new accumulation balances. Select the Estimate option on either the Currency Conversion page or the Currency Conversion (Consol) page, and run the Currency Conversion process after you run the finalization process.

Avoiding and Resolving Data Conflict

The Currency Conversion process is not designed for concurrent processing; however, you can avoid conflict by following these guidelines:

  • Review the database structure:

    • Implement the database indexes that are recommended for the Currency Conversion process in the posted informational document Performance Recommendations for PeopleSoft Billing for the current release. For assistance to obtain the latest version, contact your PeopleSoft representative.

    • Partition the Billing transaction tables by business unit.

    Note: The database structure should be reviewed and optimized by your PeopleSoft database administrator.

  • When running the Currency Conversion process (or a job containing the process), always define the business units to be processed in the run control parameters.

  • Always allow one Currency Conversion process to finish before starting another Currency Conversion process that operates on the same or an overlapping set of business units.

    Note: You can start a second Currency Conversion process if it operates on a different set of business units (and you have partitioned the transaction tables as recommended). Allow a brief interval (about 30 seconds) before starting the second process or job.

If a data conflict occurs, have your PeopleSoft database administrator release the database table locks. Restart the Currency Conversion process, allowing the first failed process to finish before restarting any subsequent processes.

Error Codes Used by the Currency Conversion Process

Edit checks that are included in the currency conversion process identify conditions under which the process could not successfully complete currency conversion. If the edit check finds an error, it flags an error condition using one of the following error codes:




Attached Bill(s) contain error.


Consolidation group has error.


Missing currency rate type.


Missing base currency code.


Missing exchange rates.


Missing euro exchange rates.


Missing IU exchange rates.

Currency Precision Rounding

In a multicurrency environment that is defined by PSOPTIONS.MULTICURRENCY = Y, the application engine function %ROUND is applied to database amount values after they are initially calculated. %ROUND is used in the following sections:




Curr Precision Rounding steps.


Update BI_HDR with converted amounts.

When not in a multicurrency environment, amounts are calculated to two-decimal precision.

To run the Currency Conversion process for regular invoices, access the Currency Conversion page (Billing, Generate Invoices, Non-Consolidated, Convert Currency Amounts, Currency Conversion). To run the Currency Conversion process for consolidated invoices, access the Currency Conversion (Consol) page (Billing, Generate Invoices, Consolidated, Convert Currency Amounts, Currency Conversion).

After you define run controls and access the Process Scheduler page, select the Billing Currency Conversion job and click OK.

Warning! Do not start the Currency Conversion process if another Currency Conversion process is already running.

See Understanding the Currency Conversion Process (BICURCNV).