Running the Email Notification Process when Maintaining Bills

The Email Notification process (BIIVCEMAIL) enables you to set up paperless invoicing through the eBill Payment application.

When eBill Payment is installed, you can select Email Notification as the bill-to media for an invoice. Instead of printing the invoice, Billing sends an email notification to the bill's contact email address. The email contains a link to the appropriate page in eBill Payment so that your customer can review and pay the invoice. For you to use paperless invoicing, the customer contact must have a valid email address and a user account for accessing eBill Payment.

You can add the BIIVCEMAIL process to your other invoice print jobs or you can run the process separately after invoices have been finalized using the eBill Payment Utilities pages.

Important! The finalization process makes invoices available in eBill Payment. The Email Notification process sends an email notification after a bill is finalized. An invoice will appear in eBill Payment regardless of whether the Email Notification process runs successfully and regardless of the invoice bill-to media.

Page Name

Definition Name


Email Notification Page


Send email notification to customers for nonconsolidated invoices.

Cons Email Notification


Send email notification to customers for consolidated invoices.

Use the Email Notification page (RUN_BI_EMAIL) to send email notification to customers for nonconsolidated invoices.


Billing > Generate Invoices > Utilities > eBill Payment Utilities > Non-Consolidated > Request Email Notification

Billing > Generate Invoices > Utilities > eBill Payment Utilities > Consolidated > Consolidated Bill Email Notify

Define the run control parameters. The system selects only bills with the status FNL and a bill-to media of Email Notification for running the Email Notification job.

Note: The Consolidated Email Notification process sends one email for each consolidated invoice; emails are not sent for the individual, attached invoices.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Process Scheduler