Running the Generate AP Vouchers Process (BIGNAP01)

This topic provides an overview of the Generate AP Vouchers process (BIGNAP01).

Page Name

Definition Name


Generate AP Vouchers Page


Initiate the creation of AP vouchers for InterUnit bills.

Understanding the Generate AP Voucher Process (BIGNAP01)

Consolidated Generate AP Vchr Page


Initiate the creation of consolidated AP vouchers for InterUnit bills.

Generating Regular and Consolidated AP Vouchers

AP Voucher Entries Report Page


Regenerate an AP Voucher Entries report listing all voucher entries that are processed within a specified range selection.

The Generate AP Voucher process initiates the creation of AP vouchers for InterUnit bills. The process takes InterUnit billing information from the Centralized Inter/IntraUnit Setup table and populates the Payables Voucher Master staging tables. The PeopleSoft Payables Voucher Build process (AP_VCHRBLD) then generates voucher record sets and completes the voucher process.

You need to run the Generate AP Voucher process only if the installation includes PeopleSoft Payables and you have designated that the payables system creates the vouchers.

The Generate AP Voucher process performs the following tasks:

  1. Checks credit card authorization.

  2. Builds a ChartField array to support dynamic ChartFields.

  3. Inserts invoices to be processed, InterUnit bills with GEN_AP_VCHR_FLG = Y, into the BI_GENAP_TMP temporary table.

  4. Performs the following steps for invoices for which GEN_AP_VCHR_FLG = Y.

    1. Updates BI_GENAP_TMP with the current Inter/IntraUnit control parameters that are retrieved from the centralized setup table.

    2. Inserts a row into VCHR_HDR_STG for each header for VAT and non VAT bills when InterUnit AP level = H. Inserts a row into VCHR_HDR_STG for each Invoice line for VAT and non VAT bills when InterUnit AP level = L.

    3. Inserts a row into VCHR_LINE_STG for each line for VAT and non-VAT bills.

    4. Inserts a row into VCHR_DIST_STG, retrieving ChartField values from BI_LINE_IU_EXP.

  5. Updates the BI_HDR table.

  6. Prints a summary report.

Note: The Generate AP Voucher process creates voucher entries only in the PeopleSoft Payables interface staging tables. The actual vouchers, however, are generated within PeopleSoft Payables.

To run the Generate AP Voucher process, access the Generate AP Vouchers page (Billing, Generate Invoices, Non-Consolidated, Load Invoices to AP, Generate AP Vouchers) or the Consolidated Generate AP Vchr page (Billing, Generate Invoices, Consolidated, Load Invoices to AP, Consolidated Generate AP Vchr), as applicable. Select Print Generate AP Report to generate a report listing all AP vouchers that were processed previously by the Generate AP Vouchers process.

After you define the run controls and access the Process Scheduler page, select the Generate AP Vouchers process and click OK.

Use the AP Voucher Entries Report page (RUN_BI_AP) to regenerate an AP Voucher Entries report listing all voucher entries that are processed within a specified range selection.


Billing > Generate Invoices > Reproduce Reports > AP Voucher Entries > AP Voucher Entries Report

For example, you may want to regenerate lost reports that are created from previous Generate AP Voucher processes.

In the Report Request Parameters group box, select from the following options:

All Invoiced Bills

Invoices Included with InterUnit Transactions

Invoice ID Range

The system includes only those invoices with InterUnit transactions that are generated within the specified date range. The numbers are inclusive. To select a single bill, enter that invoice number in the From and To Invoice fields.

Voucher Entry Date

The system includes all invoices with InterUnit transactions that are generated within the specified voucher entry date range.

Note: Oracle recommends that you generate the AP Voucher Entries report after running the Generate AP Vouchers process (BIGNAP01) and before running the Voucher Build process to avoid the risk of losing information that cannot be retrieved. The system generates this report by using data that is selected from the AP Voucher Master Header table (VCHR_HDR_STG). The Voucher Build process deletes entries from the VCHR_HDR_STG table. Therefore, the system cannot obtain any data from this table after you run the Voucher Build process.

Note: The AP Voucher Master Header table (VCHR_HDR_STG) does not contain the data that is needed to associate attached invoices with a consolidated header invoice. To generate a report listing the results of the Generate AP Vouchers process for a consolidated header invoice, define the range selection to include the individual corresponding attached invoices.