Running the Load AR Pending Items Process (BILDAR01)

If you want the receivables system to read the accounts receivable information from the PeopleSoft Billing system—regardless of whether you use PeopleSoft Receivables or a third-party receivables system—you must load the accounts receivable pending items into a pending items table. The Load AR Pending Items process (BILDAR01) populates the pending items table for both regular and consolidated bills so that you can post invoicing information to your customers' accounts.

Page Name

Definition Name


Load AR Pending Items


Enter the process parameters for loading AR pending items.

Load AR for Consolidated Bills


Enter the process parameters for loading consolidated AR pending items.

AR Pending Item Report

Consolidated AR Pending Item Report


Regenerate an AR Pending Items report listing all pending items that are processed in a specified AR entry date range.

AR Pending Items (inquiry)


Review the AR pending items that you create.

The Load AR process groups invoices by each distinct bill currency within the business unit that it is processing and inserts rows in the pending item tables. The process inserts group control information with the control counts and amounts. For VAT processing, the Load AR process inserts additional information into the pending VAT table and updates the bill header to indicate that an AR entry or entries are created for the bill.

The Load AR process performs the following steps:

  1. Checks credit card authorization.

  2. Builds a ChartField array to support dynamic ChartFields.

  3. Inserts invoices to be processed into the Load AR temporary table.

  4. Processes invoices with a GL level that is defined as AR creates GL accounting entries, grouping by currency code.

  5. For all invoices with a GL level that is defined as AR creates GL accounting entries, if the AR level is defined as Header is AR open item:

    1. Formats invoice amounts as entry amounts.

    2. Applies default entry type and entry reason if none exists on the bill header; otherwise, validates the entry type and entry reason on the bill header.

    3. Formats subcustomer qualifier fields from the bill header.

    4. Formats various fields from the bill header.

    5. Inserts pending item.

    6. If the VAT declaration point is not blank, inserts to PENDING_VAT.

  6. For all invoices with a GL level that is defined as AR creates GL accounting entries, if the AR level is defined as Bill line is AR open item:

    1. Formats net extended amount as entry amount.

    2. Applies default entry type and entry reason if none exists on the bill line; otherwise, validates the entry type and entry reason on the bill line.

    3. Formats subcustomer qualifier fields from bill line.

    4. Formats various fields from the bill line.

    5. Inserts pending item for each line.

    6. If the VAT declaration point is not blank, inserts to PENDING_VAT.

  7. Processes invoices with a GL level that is defined as BI creates GL accounting entries or No GL accounting entries, grouping by currency code.

  8. For all invoices with a GL level that is defined as BI creates GL accounting entries or No GL accounting entries, if the AR level is defined as Header is AR open item:

    Note: For all invoices with a GL level defined as Billing creates GL accounting entries, if the AR distribution option is defined as Use Header for Distribution, the system does not force the AR_LVL from H to L when multiple AR offsets exist; the process creates one item containing the summarized AR offsets generated by the preload process.

    1. Formats invoice amount as entry amount.

    2. Applies default entry type and entry reason if none exists on the bill header; otherwise, validates the entry type and entry reason that is on the bill header.

    3. Formats subcustomer qualifier fields from the bill header.

    4. Formats various fields from the bill header.

    5. If the GL level is defined as Billing creates GL accounting entries, looks at BI_ACCT_LN_STG to determine whether pending items are created at the bill line level based on a summarized set of balanced ChartFields of accounting entry type AR and:

      Inserts a pending item into the Pending table.

      Inserts receivables distribution into PENDING_DST, retrieving ChartFields from the BI_ACCT_LN_STG table.

      If the VAT declaration point is not blank, inserts VAT information to PENDING_VAT. Additionally, inserts to PENDING_DST, retrieving ChartFields from the BI_ACCT_LN_STG table.

    6. If the AR level is defined as Header is AR Open Item and the AR distribution option is defined as Use Header for Distribution, you have enabled ChartField inheritance, and if an inherited ChartField differs across bill lines, then the process creates one item with the summarized AR offsets generated by the BIPRELD process.

    7. If the AR level is defined as Header is AR Open Item and the AR distribution option is defined as Use Line for Distribution, you have enabled ChartField inheritance, and if an inherited ChartField differs across bill lines, then the process creates only one item with an AR offset for each line.

    8. If the GL level is defined as No GL accounting entries:

      Inserts pending item based on AR level of Header is AR open item.

      Inserts receivables distribution by retrieving ChartFields from BI_LINE_DST_AR.

      If the VAT declaration point is not blank, inserts VAT information to PENDING_VAT. Additionally, inserts to PENDING_DST, retrieving ChartFields from the VAT tables.

  9. For all invoices with a GL level that is defined as BI creates GL accounting entries or No GL accounting entries, if the AR level is defined as Bill line is AR open item:

    1. Applies default entry type and entry reason if none exists on the bill line; otherwise, validates the entry type and entry reason that is on the bill line.

    2. Formats subcustomer qualifier fields from the bill line.

    3. Formats various fields from the bill line.

    4. Inserts a pending item into the Pending Items table for each bill line

    5. If the GL level is defined as Billing creates GL accounting entries:

      Inserts receivables distribution into PENDING_DST retrieving ChartFields from the BI_ACCT_LN_STG table.

      If the VAT declaration point is not blank, inserts VAT information to PENDING_VAT. Additionally, inserts to PENDING_DST, retrieving ChartFields from the BI_ACCT_LN_STG table.

    6. If the GL level is defined as No GL accounting entries:

      Inserts receivables distribution retrieving ChartFields from BI_LINE_DST_AR.

  10. Checks group balance.

  11. Inserts a record into the GROUP_CONTROL table.

  12. Updates the BI_HDR table.

  13. Prints summary report.

Entry Type and Entry Reason Defaults

The system uses entry types and reasons to categorize pending items when passing PeopleSoft Billing information to the PeopleSoft Receivables system. You can define these default entry types and reasons for debit and credit activity at the business unit, bill type, and bill source levels, and override these defaults during bill entry at the bill header and bill line levels.

Before passing the appropriate entry types and reasons to PeopleSoft Receivables, the Load AR Pending Items process must do the following tasks.

If you define the AR level on the Installation Options, Billing - GL/AR page with the field value Header is AR Open Item:

  1. The Load AR Pending Items process determines whether the Entry Type and Entry Reason fields on the Bill Header table are populated.

    1. If the fields are populated, the process ensures that the entry type and entry reason fields are appropriate for the sign of the invoice amount (after taxes are applied at invoicing, the amount can change from positive to negative).

    2. If the invoice amount is positive, the process looks for a debit entry type and reason. If the invoice amount is negative, the process looks for a credit entry type and reason.

    3. If the fields are not populated, the process retrieves the appropriate default entry type and entry reason from bill source, bill type, or business unit, according to the default hierarchy.

  2. If you define the AR level value on the Installation Options, Billing - GL/AR page as Bill LINE is AR Open Item:

    1. The Load AR Pending Items process determines whether Entry Type and Entry Reason fields that are on the bill line table are populated.

    2. If the fields are populated, the process passes these values to PeopleSoft Receivables.

    3. If the net extended amount is positive, the process looks for a debit entry type and reason. If the net extended amount is negative, the process looks for a credit entry type and reason.

    4. If the fields are not populated, the process retrieves the appropriate default entry type and entry reason from bill source, bill type, or business unit, according to the default hierarchy.

Example of Default Hierarchy

The following example illustrates the default hierarchy:

The Load AR Pending Items process is processing an invoice with two lines. The AR level is defined with the value Bill Line is Open Item. The first line is a positive amount with a blank entry type and reason.

To supply the entry type and reason on this first line, the Load AR Pending Items process looks first to the bill source for a debit entry type and reason. However, no debit entry type or reason is defined there. The process then looks to the bill type, which does have a debit entry type and reason. The process retrieves the debit entry type and reason codes from the bill type for this line open item and passes them to PeopleSoft Receivables.

The second line on the invoice is a negative amount with the entry type and reason omitted.

To supply the entry type and reason on the second line, the Load AR Pending Items process looks first to the bill source for a credit entry type and reason. No entry type or reason is defined there, so the process looks to bill type. A credit entry type and reason is not defined at the bill type either. Therefore, the process looks to the business unit, where it retrieves the default credit entry type and reason codes for this invoice and passes them to PeopleSoft Receivables. An entry type and reason always exists at the business unit level because they are mandatory.

Affiliate ChartField Defaults

PeopleSoft Billing passes the Affiliate ChartField value to PeopleSoft Receivables if PeopleSoft Billing is creating the accounting entries. When PeopleSoft Receivables is creating accounting entries, PeopleSoft Receivables assigns the affiliate value.

Load AR Process Error Codes

The following error codes are specific to the Load AR process:




Bill type on the invoice is not on the Bill Type table.


Group is out of balance. Invoice amounts total $x and invoice line amounts total $y.


Bill or line amount is zero. Not written to the AR Pending Items table.


Invoice has an invalid entry type/entry reason combination.

Loading PeopleSoft Billing items into PeopleSoft Receivables is a two-step process:

  1. In PeopleSoft Billing, load the invoiced data into an interface for pending items.

    To run the Load AR Pending Items process for regular and consolidated invoices, access the Load AR Pending Items page or the Load AR for Consolidated Bills page, as applicable.

    If you do not specify a billing business unit, the system processes all invoices within the specified entry date range for all billing business units.

    After you define the run controls and access the Process Scheduler page, select the Currency Conversion & Load AR job, which runs several processes at once. If you run the processes individually, you must run them one at a time and run Currency Conversion first.

  2. In PeopleSoft Receivables, post those pending items as PeopleSoft Receivables items.

    Setting the posting action on the Load AR Pending Items page or the Load AR for Consolidated Bills page loads the pending items with the proper action option so that the Receivable Update process can determine how to post the items.

You can regenerate an AR Pending Items report listing all pending items that are processed in a specified AR entry date range. For example, you may want to regenerate lost reports that were created from previous Load AR processes.

To regenerate an AR Pending Item Report for regular or consolidated invoices, access the AR Pending Item Report page (Billing, Generate Invoices, Reproduce Reports, AR Pending Item Report) or the Consolidated AR Pending Item Report page (Billing, Generate Invoices, Reproduce Reports, Consol AR Pending Item Report, Consolidated AR Pending Item Report), as applicable.

Field or Control


Business Unit

If you do not specify a billing business unit, the system processes all invoices within the specified entry date range for all billing business units. When you run this process for consolidated invoices, this field refers to the consolidated header's business unit.

Start and End AR Entry Date

Entry date refers to the date on which the AR entries are created in the AR Pending Items table. The value in the end date must be greater than the value in the start date, or the system generates an error message upon saving. Click the Reset to Current Date button to populate the start and end date fields with the current date.