Setting Up Bill Summarization

To set up bill summarization, use the Summarization Group (BI_SUM_GROUP), Summarization Template (BI_SUM_TEMPLATE), and Summarization (SUMMARIZATION) components.

Page Name

Definition Name


Summarization Group Page


Define Summarization Group Types and Summarization Groups.

Summarization Configuration ID Page


Define a set of bill line fields to use with summarization templates.

Summarization Template Page


Set summarization rules and formatting options.

Summarization Template Group Header


Set display options for group headings.

Summarization Template Group Detail


Set display options for summarized lines.

Summarization Template Preview Page


Preview the summarization display.

Bill summarization provides a means to group and summarize related bill lines for presentation on a special invoice form. When a summarization template is attached to one or more bill lines, the invoice can be printed in detail or summarized format. The detail invoice uses the form specified in the bill header; the summarized format uses a corresponding, summarized invoice form. The template defines grouping and summarization parameters, as well as formatting options such as labels and notes. Any of the bill line fields can be used as the basis for summarization.

Note: Bill summarization affects invoice presentation only, background processes such as accounting entry and open item creation are not changed.

The following figure shows an example of a summarized invoice. A summarized invoice groups activity by purchase order and summarizes activity by item type. All lines related to a purchase order are displayed together, and any lines for the same item within that purchase order group are aggregated as a single invoice line.

An excerpt from a summarized invoice

The circled numbers in the example call out the following summarization template elements:

  1. Summarization note

  2. Summarization group headings

  3. Summarized lines

In the previous example, the PO_REF field was used for grouping, and the IDENTIFIER field was used for summarization. Multiple fields can be combined for both grouping and summarization purposes. Only lines with the same summarization template will be grouped and summarized together.

You can choose to print the summarized version, the detail version, or both when printed from a run control page. When the option is not available, such as when you are using the Invoice or Pro Forma buttons on the Standard Billing page, the system prints the summarized version only (when an invoice contains lines that have summarization templates). The system prints summarized invoices using the BISLSUM or BISLSUMC processes if the invoice form setting corresponds to an SQR invoice. Detail invoices are printed according to the invoice form setting, in the same way as nonsummarized invoices. You can specify only landscape-format invoice forms in the header when printing summarized invoices. If you attempt to print a summarized invoice that has a portrait invoice form setting, the invoice is marked with an error. Correct the error by changing the invoice form setting to select a landscape form or remove the summarization templates from all the bill lines.

Summarization Groups

The bill line record contains Summarization Group Type and Group ID fields to provide a general-purpose method for specifying grouping and summarization. Summarization group types and groups have a hierarchical relationship, with a group type containing one or more groups. The fields can be used alone or in conjunction with other bill line fields. To be used, the Summarization Group Type and Summarization Group ID fields must be included in the summarization template. When used, the fields must be populated during bill entry or through the Billing Interface.

Note: The system does not validate the summarization field settings. If the fields are not populated correctly, invoices may contain errors in grouping or aggregation.

Use the Summarization Group page (BI_SUM_GROUP) to define Summarization Group Types and Summarization Groups.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Billing > Summarization Template Config > Summarization Group

  1. Enter descriptions for the group type in the upper portion of the page.

  2. Click the plus button in the grid to add groups.

  3. Enter descriptions for the groups.

  4. Click Save.

Use the Summarization Configuration ID page (BI_SUM_CFG_ID_FLD) to define a set of bill line fields to use with summarization templates.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Billing > Summarization Template Config > Summarization Configuration ID

To define summarization configurations, use the Summarization (BI_SUMMARIZATION) component.

Click the plus button in the Summarize By Field area to add fields to the configuration.

Use the Summarization Template page (BI_SUM_COMMON) to set summarization rules and formatting options.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Billing > Summarization Template Config > Summarization Template > General Definitions

To set up summarization templates, use the Summarization Template (BI_SUM_TEMPLATE) component.

Field or Control


Summarization ID

Select the summarization configuration to use for this template. Only the fields in the configuration can be used in a template.

Summarization Rules

Define overall grouping, summarization, and formatting properties.

Summarized Order

Indicates the order in which the fields will be considered during grouping and summarization.

Group Detail Indicator

Indicates that the selected field and any subsequent fields will be used to summarize lines rather than group them. All fields before the selected field will be used to group bill lines. If the first field in the summarization rule list is selected, bill lines will not be grouped.

Summarized Note

Add a note to print on the summarized invoice.

Summarize & Display Qty & UOM (summarize and display quantity and unit of measure)

Select to summarize and display the quantity fields of the summarized lines. The unit of measure are also be displayed.

Note: If the unit of measure values of the summarized lines do not match, the unit of measure is not displayed and the quantity is displayed as zero.

Include Line Notes

Selected to print the notes attached to the bill lines that are summarized.

Important! Every note for every line will be printed, even duplicates.

Group Header Rules

Define group header formatting rules.

Customized Text

Defines the label that appears on the group heading or summarization line. You can leave this field blank.

Include Field Value

Select to print the field value along with the customized text.

Field Value First

Select to print the field value before the customized text rather than after it.

Group Detail Rules

Define the summarized line formatting rules.

Sort Order

Define the order in which the fields should be considered when the system sorts the summarized lines within a group.

Use the Summarization Template Preview page (BI_SUM_TMPL_PREVW) to preview the summarization display.


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Billing > Summarization Template Config > Summarization Template

  • Click the Preview Summarization Template link on any of the Summarization Template pages.

You can preview a template by clicking the Preview Summarization Template link on any of the component pages. The preview displays an approximation of how the custom text, field values, and notes will be printed on an invoice. The text within angle braces ("<" and ">") will be replaced with field values from the summarized bill lines.