Setting Up Distribution Codes

To set up distribution codes, use the Distribution Code (DIST_CODE_TBL) component.

Distribution codes simplify the process of generating accounting entries by defining a valid combination of ChartField values.

Page Name

Definition Name


Distribution Code Page


Define or review distribution codes.

Draft Details Page


Specify the draft distribution codes to link to a receivables distribution code. If you link draft distribution codes to a receivables distribution code, the system uses that code to create accounting entries. Otherwise, it uses the codes that you assign to a draft type and business unit combination.

Use the Distribution Code page (DST_CODE_TABLE) to define or review distribution codes.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Distribution Accounting > Distribution Code

Select the distribution type. The distribution types used in PeopleSoft Billing are:

Field or Control


Corp Vchr (corporate voucher)

Used for setting up accounting entries used for corporate vouchers.

Cust Dep (customer deposits)

Used for setting up accounting entries used for Customer Deposits which are taken in Order Management.

Dfr Rev (contract liability)

Used for setting up deferred account distribution codes.

Dfr Disc (deferred discounts)

Used for setting up deferred discount account distribution codes.

Dfr Surch (deferred surcharges)

Used for setting up deferred surcharge account distribution codes.


Used for setting up discount account distribution entries.

GST (goods and services tax)

Used for Canadian accounting entries when you use third-party.

IU Pay (InterUnit payables)

Used for setting up InterUnit payables account distribution codes.

IU Rec (InterUnit receivables)

Used for setting up InterUnit receivables account distribution codes.


Used for setting up revenue accounts.


Used for sales and use taxes when you are using third-party supplier.


Used for setting up surcharge account distribution entries.

Unbill AR (unbilled accounts receivable)

Used for setting up unbilled accounts receivable accounts.

Select an unbilled receivables deferred distribution code.

Field or Control


ChartField Values

Enter the combination of values that PeopleSoft General Ledger uses to process activity marked with this distribution code. Enter values only for the ChartFields that you use. You can have multiple receivables accounts that are affected by all types of transactions. You cannot select a statistical account for any of the distribution codes.

Draft Distribution Codes

Click the Draft Distributions Codes button to access the Draft Details page, where you can specify the draft distribution codes that you want to link to a receivables distribution code.

Note: The billing default hierarchy does not recognize new effective-dated rows on the Distribution Codes page. Therefore, if a change is required for the Distribution Code values, you can enter it manually on the Header - Info 1 page, or the PreLoad process will pick up the new effective-dated row during the Finalization process.

Use the Draft Details page (DST_CODE_DRAFT_SEC) to specify the draft distribution codes to link to a receivables distribution code.

If you link draft distribution codes to a receivables distribution code, the system uses that code to create accounting entries. Otherwise, it uses the codes that you assign to a draft type and business unit combination.


Click the Draft Distribution Codes button on the Distribution Code page.

Field or Control


Draft AR Distribution Code (draft accounts receivable distribution code)

Select to define the receivable account for approved drafts.

Remitted Draft Receivable Code

Select to define the receivable account for remitted drafts.

Draft Discount Receivable Code

Select to define the receivables account for the discounted drafts.

Draft Discount Liability Code

Select to define the liability account for drafts discounted with recourse.

Dishonored Draft Code

Select to define the receivable account for dishonored drafts.