Setting Up Installment Bills

To set up installment bills, use the Installment Billing, Bill Cycle, Bill Source, and Billing Options components.

This topic discusses how to set up Installment bills.

Page Name

Definition Name


Installment Plan Page


Establish and define installment billing plan types.

Bill Cycle Page


Set up invoice date defaults, schedules, and bill generation parameters for each installment billing plan that you establish. Set up a new bill cycle or define installment billing parameters for a bill cycle that you have previously set up.

Bill Source Page


Specify default installment billing plans for bill sources.

Bill Type 1 Page


Specify default installment billing plans for bill types.

Billing Options - Billing Business Unit Options Page


Define default installment billing plans for business units.

Use the Installment Plan page (BI_INSTALL_PLAN) to establish and define installment billing plan types.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Billing > Setup > Installment Billing > Installment Plan

Field or Control


Installment Plan Type

Select a plan type that determines how the system calculates the invoice amounts for each installment billing invoice. Values are:

Equal Installments: Enter the total number of installments in the Installment field. The system evenly divides the total pretax amount from the template for the installment billing invoice by the total number of installments. The Installment field is available for entry only when you select an equal installment plan.

Percentage Installments: When you select this plan type, the Percentage scroll area appears. Enter the percentage of the total that you want to bill at each installment. The Installments number displays the number of the installment for each percentage that you specify. Click the Add Rows button to add additional installment rows. The system increments the number by one whenever you add a new row. The percentages that you enter must total 100 percent.

Custom Installments: Enter the number of installments, the amount due for each, and schedule information for each installment on the Installment Bill Schedule page. Select for at least one active billing plan if you intend to use this installment type.

Define the parameters for the installment billing plans on the Bill Cycle page.

You can set defaults at the bill source, bill type, and business unit level. Select the installment plan ID that you want as the default for each level on any or all of these pages:

  • Bill Source.

  • Bill Type 1.

  • Billing Options - Billing Business Unit Options.