Using Workflow Processes in PeopleSoft Billing

To utilize workflow processes in PeopleSoft Billing, use the Workflow Batch Parameters (BI_WF_OPTIONS) component.

Designing Workflow Maps

In PeopleSoft applications, pages and components are organized according to their related functions. This structure is designed for a general business organization, but you may want to develop other structures to complete business processes.

Typically, you access only a subset of the pages regularly. To streamline operations, you can define graphical, process-based maps. With maps, you can create a visual overview for each business process to see how a particular task fits into the big picture. Maps enable you to quickly navigate to the pages that you need. As you create maps, you can build workflow into business processes. You can also build business processes to implement workflow, even if you do not intend to use the business processes to navigate the system.

Page Name

Definition Name


Workflow Batch Parameters Page


Modify PeopleSoft Billing workflow parameters. You can specify when to initiate a workflow action on unprocessed transactions. Oracle provides initial values for the fields on this page at installation, but you can modify them to suit your business needs.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Workflow Technology

Use the Workflow Batch Parameters page (BI_WF_OPTIONS) to modify PeopleSoft Billing workflow parameters.

You can specify when to initiate a workflow action on unprocessed transactions. Oracle provides initial values for the fields on this page at installation, but you can modify them to suit your business needs.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Billing > Define Workflow > Workflow Batch Parameters

Field or Control


Pending Interface Notification, Number of Days Pending

Enter the duration that pending interface lines can remain unprocessed in the staging area before a worklist notification or billing alert is sent.

Delete Temporary Bills, Number of Days Old

Enter the number of days after which the system deletes temporary bills from the Billing tables.

Delete Extract Bills, Number of Days Old

Enter the number of days after which the system deletes PeopleSoft Billing information from the invoice extract tables.

Important! You must periodically delete the billing information from the invoice extract tables. Otherwise, too many rows will accumulate and processing will slow down significantly.

Inactive Bill Notification, Number of Days Inactive

Enter the duration that noninvoiced bills can remain inactive before a worklist notification or billing alert is sent.

Pending Credit Crd Authorization, Number of Days Pending (pending credit card authorization, number of days pending)

Enter the duration that pending credit card authorizations can remain unprocessed before a worklist notification or billing alert is sent.

Temporary Bills Days Pending, Number of Days Pending

Enter the duration that temporary bills can remain unprocessed before an alert notification is sent.