Creating Transaction Costs and Accounting Entries Processes

The Cost Accounting Creation process is an application engine process that can launch both the Transaction Costing process and the Accounting Line Creation process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Cost Accounting Creation Page


Calculates the cost of transactions that have not yet been costed and then creates accounting entry lines for these costed transactions.

Use the Cost Accounting Creation page (CM_ACCTG_REQ) to calculates the cost of transactions that have not yet been costed and then creates accounting entry lines for these costed transactions.


Cost Accounting > Inventory and Mfg Accounting > Create Accounting Entries > Cost Accounting Creation

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cost Accounting Creation process page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Cost Accounting Creation process page

Field or Control


Generate Table Statistics

(Database administration) This check box enables database administrators to control whether or not this process should issue basic table statistics update commands to the database for the tables accessed by this process. The Cost Accounting Creation process is structured to delete temporary working data at the beginning of the process, before that deletion step, accurate table statistics can be generated.

Database platforms keep statistics about the distribution of the key values in each index and use these statistics to determine which indexes to use in query processing. Cost-based query optimization depends on the accuracy of the distribution statistics. Table statistics should be updated whenever a large amount of data in an indexed column has been added, changed, or removed (that is, if the distribution of key values has changed). The update table statistics option gives database administrators an added tool for maintaining table statistics for query optimization; however, sites that already have database administration procedures in place for periodically updating table statistics might want to deselect this option.

Generate Temp Table Statistics

The Cost Accounting Creation process stores some of its temporary working data in dedicated temporary tables. This check box is defaulted to make it easier for database administrators to generate accurate table statistics for these types of tables.

As of Date

The process selects all unprocessed lines with a transaction date less than or equal to this date.

Cost Inventory Transactions group box

This section contains the parameters used by the Transaction Costing process.

Field or Control


Cost Inventory Transactions

Select to have the cost calculated for all uncosted inventory transactions using the Transaction Costing process (application engine program CM_COSTING).

Cost Mode

Values are:

Regular: Costing is for uncosted transactions occurring in the period ending up to the As of Date. Regular mode can be used at anytime during the period and at period end. When you run this process in regular mode, all transactions are costed, regardless of the Hold for Final Cost check box for the cost book.

Mid-Period: Costing is for uncosted transactions occurring in the partial period ending on the as of date. The Mid-Period value postpones certain types of calculations if final costs are not yet available, for example, purchased items when the invoice has not yet been received or production that are not yet completed. If the profile for the book is marked as Hold for Final Cost, receipt and depletion records are not costed unless the invoice price is available (for purchased items) or the production ID or production schedule is complete (for makeable items). Periodic averages and retroactive perpetual averages are not calculated in this mode.

Calculate Actual Prdn Costs

Select to calculate the actual production costs of an item. This check box calls the application engine program CE_ACTCST_CR (actual cost of manufacturing process).

Apply Perpetual Average Adjs

Select to update the perpetual average costs to include the difference between the purchase price and the voucher, including exchange rate differences. This applies to the perpetual average costing method as defined on the cost profile. Select this check box to create adjustments to the perpetual weighted average costs in both the Mid-Period and Regular cost modes. For period end processing, select this check box if you want the perpetual average cost items to reflect the invoice price. Actual cost items are always updated once the invoice price is available. Periodic average items are not updated for cost adjustments.

Note: The Apply Perpetual Average Adjs check box is only applicable if you have perpetual average cost items. It does not apply to the retroactive perpetual average method.

Resolve Negative Inventory

Select to run the Negative Inventory Resolver process to check for new receipts (putaway and adjustment transactions) and adjust the quantities and costs of previously costed negative inventory depletion transactions. The process is launched within the Transaction Costing process after receipts have been processed, but before depletions.

Commit Limit

(Optional) To manage the database resources, enter the number of rows to be processed before committing costed depletion records to the database. If this field is left blank, the system issues a commit to the database after all depletions rows have been processed.

Create Accounting Lines group box

This section contains the parameters for the Accounting Line Creation process.

Field or Control


Create Accounting Lines

Select to have accounting entries generated for all costed transactions using the Create Accounting Lines process (CM_ACCTGLINE).

All Transaction Groups

Select to run this process for all transaction groups or enter specific transaction groups in the Transaction Group section. Selecting this check box erases any entries that you have made in the Transaction Group section.

Budget Check Accounting Lines

Select to run the Commitment Control Budget Processor process (the GL Budget check process BP_PROC). If you have not turned on commitment control for the PeopleSoft system, this check box is unavailable.

Acquire IntraUnit Entries

Select to run the Acquire IntraUnit Entries process (CM_IU_ACCTG) which launches the IU_PROCESSOR process. This check box is unavailable if intraunit processing is not enabled for the PeopleSoft system. The IU_PROCESSOR process creates intraunit balancing entries for all applicable transactions in the specified business unit and book. All transaction groups are processed regardless of the entries on this page.

Note: If the Budget Check Accounting Lines check box is available, you should not select the Create Accounting Lines check box and the Acquire IntraUnit Entries check box only, because budget checking is required before intraunit ChartField balancing can be performed. By default, all three check boxes are selected when available.

Transaction Group

Enter specific transaction groups to be processed. Use the Insert Row button to add additional transaction groups.

Accounting Line Errors

Click to access the Accounting Line Errors page, where you can view any errors generated by the Accounting Line Creation process. This page displays accounting lines that could not be processed because of missing accounting line creation rules.

See Creating Accounting Entries.

Coalesced Selection group box

Specify one or many business unit and cost book combinations on each request in the Coalesced Selection group box. All the business units in one request are processed together as one set to take advantage of set-based relational database performance on sets of data. Define the same parameters for all business units within one request or add multiple requests to define different parameters for each request.

Use the Insert Row button within the Coalesced Selection group box to add as many business units and cost books as needed to one request.

To create multiple sets that process one at a time, create multiple process requests on the same process page by using the Insert Row button just below the Process Request Parameters bar (far upper right of page). Depending on your environment, multiple sets could take longer to process than one set. Each request will be run sequentially.

The system displays the business unit setting for Location Accounting.

Note: Within one process request, all the business units must have the same setting for location accounting. A warning message displays if there is a mismatch.