Reviewing Frequently Asked Questions



Do we need to setup the Web Server Integration gateway for EDI transactions when working with flat files?

Because all inbound EDI flat files are converted to XML and published to the local node, you must set up the Integration Gateway on your web server, in addition to setting up the publication and subscription services on your application server.

Do we need OnRoute handlers when we set up an Operation?

If you are using the chunking features of the Batch Publish utility for outbound integrations, you may want to use an OnRoute Handler to direct different chunks of data to different trading partners. If you are integrating to a single trading partner then you will probably not have a need for this Handler.

On the Routing Definition, do we need to specify a transform?

Most likely you will not need a transform unless you have done your own customizations. Integrations with a service operation version other than the default require a transform to or from the default version. Additionally, in a few of the integrations, transforms are used to convert the default service operation version to or from industry standard formats such as xcbl, cxml, or X.12 EDI.

Do we need to set up a location for nodes other than the local node? If so, what should this address be?

If integrating to or from external sources, use the http target connector and enter the URL of the external source in the connector properties. If integrating to another PeopleSoft database, use the PeopleSoft target connector and configure the selected gateway to point to an application server running pub/sub services on the target database.

What is the difference between using the SimpleFileTargetConnector on the gateway or using the Batch Publish Rule's Output Format of "Flat File"?

When using the SimpleFileTargetConnector in integration broker the gateway creates a file in the directory assigned to the node.

When using the Flat File option on the batch publish rule, a service operation instance is never published. Instead, the Batch Publish utility generates a flat file in the format designated by the File Layout Definition named the same as the message. The file is placed in the default directory on the process scheduler server running the Outbound File Publish program.

When generating EDI output files, are the flat files produced from the SimpleFileTargetConnector and the Batch Publish Utility formatted the same?

The delivered routings for outbound EDI 810, 845, 855, and 856 transactions include two transformations on them. The first transforms to XML into the X.12 format, and the second into the native X.12 flat file format. If the second transform is removed from the routing, the output file will contain the X.12 formatted XML. If both transforms are removed from the routing, the output file will contain the PeopleSoft formatted XML When using the Flat File option on the batch publish rule, the Batch Publish utility generates a flat file in the format designated by the File Layout Definition named the same as the message.

Can I have the files written to a FTP server instead of a directory specified in the properties of the SimpleFileTargetConnector?

Yes, by configuring the FtpTargetConnector on the node definition instead of the SimpleFileTargetConnector.

Are there any examples of how message chunking is used?

Remember that chunking is only needed if you have requirements to break messages up by trading partner. If you are using a middleware product to actually determine trading partner destinations, a single message with all trading partner transactions can usually be sent directly to the middleware product.

For an example of how to use Chunking look at the batch publish rules for the ADVANCED_SHIPPING_NOTICE Message. These batch publish rules were provided as examples to show the power of message chunking.

In this example, the ADVANCED_SHIPPING_NOTICE rule is the standard rule used without chunking. If you want to chunk by Business Unit just attach the Business Unit chunk rule to the batch publish rule. You would also have to populate the Business Unit to node values in the chunk table and activate the OnRoute Handler on the Service Operation (For more information on Chunking see Introducing Chunking in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integration documentation; For more information on how to use the Advanced Shipping Notice chunk rules see the Data Rule section of the EIP Catalog for the Advanced Shipping Notice).

If you want to chunk by Ship To Customer then activate the ASN_SETID_SHIPTO batch publish rule. In this case you also need to populate the customer chunk rule table and activate the OnRoute Handler.

If you want to chunk by Sold To Customer then setup the ASN_SETID_SOLDTO chunk rule, populate the customer chunk rule table and activate the OnRoute Handler.

Starting with PeopleTools 8.48, I cannot view or change properties on my messages in application designer. How do I change or activate messages and any associated PeopleCode?

The status of integrations was moved from the message to the service operation, so you now have to activate the service operation instead of the message. PeopleCode events were also moved to the service operation and renamed to handlers.

In prior versions I had to attach OnRoute PeopleCode to my message when enabling chunking. Do I use the same PeopleCode as a service operation handler?

The chunking PeopleCode from prior releases will no longer function starting with PeopleTools 8.48. Service operations intended to support chunking are now delivered with an inactive OnRoute handler. This allows a user to activate the chunking PeopleCode rather than having to create PeopleCode in the application designer.

Starting with PeopleTools 8.48, I cannot find Message Channels. What happened to them?

In PeopleTools 8.48, Message Channels were renamed to Queues.

Starting with PeopleTools 8.48, I cannot find my transactions. Does this mean I no longer have to create or activate them?

In PeopleTools 8.48, Transactions were renamed to Service Operation Routings. Routings must still be activated to enable an integration.

Starting with PeopleTools 8.48, I cannot find my Relationships or relationship transactions. How do I enable transforms?

In PeopleTools 8.48, transforms were moved to the routing definition, and non-default service operation versions. They are now enabled when the routing is activated. Relationships and relationship transactions have been deprecated.

How can I tell what fields are mapped in the sample EDI transforms delivered with FSCM 9.0?

A mapping spreadsheet (EDImap_Samples.xls) is delivered in the Excel subdirectory of the PeopleTools home directory. Each of the sample EDI transforms have been mapped on a separate tab in the workbook. These mapping spreadsheets should serve as a starting point for customizing mappings for each trading partner. Once mappings have been determined on the spreadsheet, they can be implemented in a transform (XSLT) and used in a routing to the trading partner.

Where can I find a sample EDI file to use when testing my customizations specific to a trading partner?

Sample X.12 EDI files have been provided in a zip file ( in the data subdirectory of the PeopleTools home directory for the sample EDI transforms delivered with FSCM 9.0. These samples contain no data, so it is always best to obtain samples from the trading partner you will be integrating with.