Viewing, Adding, or Updating ECRs

Using these pages, your suppliers can view and even add or update ECRs to which you have given them access using the BOM Access by Supplier page. If the login role is associated with multiple suppliers, prior to selecting the ECRs in which the supplier is interested, the supplier sees a Select Supplier page.

This topic discusses how to view, add, or update ECRs.

Page Name

Definition Name


Select Supplier Page


Select a supplier for ECRs.

Select Change Request Page


Select ECRs to view and, if given the appropriate privileges, update.

Filter Options Page


Narrow the search for ECRs.

Change Request Detail Page


View ECR detail information.

Engineering Change Request - Item Affected Detail Page


View ECR item-affected information.

Use the Select Supplier page (EG_SS_VND_LIST) to select a supplier for ECRs.


  • Select Review Product Design > Engineering Change Request (if not associated with multiple suppliers)

  • Click one of the supplier names on the Select Supplier page (if associated with multiple suppliers).

A list of the suppliers to which your suppliers are linked appears. Your suppliers can select the supplier whose information they want to view. The system then opens the Select Change Request page, which displays the ECRs available to that supplier.

Use the Select Change Request page (EG_IC_ECR_LIST) to select ECRs to view and, if given the appropriate privileges, update.


Review Product Design > Engineering Change Request

A list of all pending change requests appears for the default business unit to which the access has been granted.

Field or Control


Item ID

The component identifiers that appear in this column are those of the supplier if they are defined for the supplier and item combination with the Purchasing Attributes component in PeopleSoft Inventory. If no supplier and item information exists, then the customer item appears. You can define supplier item IDs using the Item Supplier page in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Suppliers can view a particular ECR if they created the ECR or if they have been given access to at least one of the affected items that the ECR impacts. If a supplier has ECR update privileges, then the supplier can submit new ECRs and update change requests created by the supplier. The supplier owns any request added by the supplier and can modify only change requests that the supplier owns. Suppliers can edit their ECRs but not your internally created ECRs. If the supplier doesn't have update privileges, then the supplier can only view ECRs; all change request fields are display-only, and all Add, Upload an Attachment, Delete, and Save buttons on the Change Request Detail page are unavailable.

Add a Change Request and Edit

If you have granted update ECR privileges to a supplier, then the system displays these buttons, enabling the supplier to add a new ECR or edit an existing ECR. These buttons access the Change Request Detail page.

Note: Suppliers are not prompted for business units when adding new requests. All change requests created by suppliers are created for the default business unit defined on the User Preferences page for the supplier user.

Note: The ECR Maintenance - Header page has a Not Accessible by Supplier check box, which, if selected, blocks supplier access to specific ECRs. Therefore, even if suppliers have been granted access on the BOM Access by Supplier page, you can prevent supplier access to specific ECRs.

Use the Filter Options page (EG_IC_ECR_SEARCH) to narrow the search for ECRs.


Click the Set filter options link on the Select Change Request page.

Search for additional change requests by description, status, priority, and item.

Use the Change Request Detail page (EG_IC_ECR_HDR) to view ECR detail information.


Click a request number, click the Add a Change Request button, or click the Edit button on the Select Change Request page.

Field or Control


Upload an Attachment, Delete, and Add

These buttons are available if a supplier clicked the Add a Change Request or Edit buttons to access this page. These buttons enable suppliers to add, upload, or delete data on this page.

If the supplier has add ECR attachments capability (defined with the BOM Access by Supplier page), the supplier can upload new attachments or delete attachments as part of adding or modifying an ECR.

If the supplier accessed this page by selecting a specific request number on the Select Change Request page, this page is display-only, and these buttons are unavailable.

Items Affected

If the supplier owns the change request, then the supplier can enter any item in this group box. The supplier has limited access to the item prompt table; the system displays only items to which the supplier has been granted access. Any valid item entered is accepted by the system. To enter a brand new item, the supplier must select New in the Type column.

Reasons and Actions

If the supplier owns the change request, then the supplier can add or delete items in these group boxes.

Return to Select Change Request

Click to return to the Select Change Request page.

Send Email

Click to send email. The email contains a URL back to this specific Change Request Detail page, as well as a URL to the ECR Maintenance - Header page in PeopleSoft Engineering.


This button is available if the supplier clicks the Add a Change Request or Edit buttons on the Select Change Request page.

Use the Engineering Change Request - Item Affected Detail page (EG_IC_ECR_ASSY_RES) to view ECR item-affected information.


Click the Item Details button in the Items Affected group box on the Change Request Detail page.

Field or Control


Add, Upload an Attachment, and Delete

These buttons are available if the supplier clicked the Add a Change Request or Edit buttons on the Select Change Request page to access the Item Affected Detail page. These buttons enable the supplier to add, upload, or delete data on this page.

If the supplier accessed the Change Request Detail page (the page used to access the Item Affected Detail page) by selecting a specific request number on the Select Change Request page, then both the Change Request Detail page and the Item Affected Detail page are display-only.

Return to Change Request Detail

Click to return to the Change Request Detail page.

View Production BOM and View Engineering BOM

If the supplier clicks these links, the system displays the Bill of Material page, which lists the current affected item. These links are unavailable if the affected item doesn't have a BOM or if the supplier doesn't have access to the BOM.