Sending Purchase Orders and Change Order to the Oracle Supplier Network

Purchase orders can be sent to OSN suppliers using the following steps:

  1. The purchase orders are created and approved in either PeopleSoft eProcurement or PeopleSoft Purchasing. Attachments can be included with the purchase orders at either the header level or line level.

  2. The purchase orders are dispatched to an OSN supplier using the electronic data exchange (EDX) method in either PeopleSoft eProcurement or PeopleSoft Purchasing. The dispatch process places the purchase orders in the PeopleSoft outbound staging tables.

  3. The PeopleSoft Integration Broker picks up the purchase order data in the outbound staging tables and uses the service operation PV_ORDER to create the message. The routing on the service operation contains the transformation program PV_ORD_OAG that converts the purchase order from PSXML to OAG XML.

  4. The connector address, fscm_epo_OSNListeningConnector, receives the XML message from PeopleSoft eProcurement, wrap the final message in a multipart MIME envelope, and then ships the message to OSN. This connector is also responsible for handling PO attachments and including them with the corresponding purchase order in the message to OSN.

  5. The Oracle Supplier Network passes the purchase order to the OSN supplier.

Change orders follow the same business process flow but only the modified lines are sent to OSN and the XML document indicates that this is a change order instead of a purchase order.

In order to send a PeopleSoft purchase order or change order to the Oracle Supplier Network the OSN supplier must be defined on the Linked Supplier page with a EDX PO Dispatch Type of OAG72. The OSN supplier ID and supplier type are also on this page to link the PeopleSoft supplier ID to the OSN supplier.

The PeopleSoft system is delivered with the following setup for transmitting purchase orders to OSN, this data may need to be altered for your environment:

  • Service operation: PV_ORDER

  • Message: PV_ORDER version 1

  • Application Engine transformation program: PV_ORD_OAG

  • Routing: ORACLE_SN_ORDER



  • Connector: fscm_epo_OSNListeningConnector.

PeopleSoft Service Operation

OSN Transaction Name

cXML Equivalent


OAG Process PO 007

cXML Order Request


OAG Change PO 006

cXML Order Request (update)

See Understanding Purchase Order Dispatch.