Setting Up and Maintaining Codes

To set up and maintain codes, use these components:

  • Carrier (CARRIER_TBL).

  • Currency Code (CURRENCY_CD_TABLE)

  • File Location (FILE_LOC_GBL)

  • Freight Terms (FREIGHT_TERMS)

  • Location Definition (LOCATION_TBL)

  • Reason Code (REASON_CD)

  • Ship To (SHIP_TO_CODES)

  • Ship Via (SHIP_VIA_CD)

  • State (STATE_DEFN)

  • Standard Comment (STD_COMMENT_TYPE)

  • Tax Authority (TAX_AUTHORITY)

  • Tax Code (TAX_CODE)

  • Unit of Measure (UNITS_OF_MEASURE)

This section provides an overview of purchasing codes and lists the pages used to set up and maintain codes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Maintain Codes Page


View a list of links that are used to navigate to other pages to set up and maintain purchasing codes.

eProcurement > Administer Procurement > Maintain Codes

Carrier Page


Define the carriers that the organization uses to move freight.

Click the Carrier link on the Maintain Codes page.

Std Comm Type (Standard Comment Type) Page


Define standard comment types to use to identify the purpose of a particular comment.

Click the Comment Types link on the Maintain Codes page.

Standard Comments Page


Create standard comments that can be assigned to a purchase order.

Click the Comments link on the Maintain Codes page.

Commodity Code Page


Define commodity codes. Commodity codes, which are also called freight classes, are used on bills of lading to group and identify shipped products for freight rating and insurance purposes.

Click the Commodity Codes link on the Maintain Codes page.

Country Description Page


Add or review country descriptions.

Click the Countries link on the Maintain Codes page.

Address Format Page


Select address fields for a country so that the system displays addresses in the appropriate format.

Click the Countries link on the Maintain Codes page. Then select the Address Format tab.

Currency Code Page


Define the currencies that you will be using in the eProcurement application.

Click the Currency Codes link on the Maintain Codes page.

File Locations Page


Define file extensions that you want the system to recognize, system locations for transaction attachments, email and fax file extensions, and file server directories.

Click the File Locations link on the Maintain Codes page.

Freight Terms Page


Set up freight terms.

Click the Freight Terms link on the Maintain Codes page.

Location Definition Page


Define a location code, such as a branch office or shipping office.

Click the Location Codes link on the Maintain Codes page.

Location Detail Page


Add details to a location definition.

Click the Location Codes link on the Maintain Codes page. Then select the Location Details tab.

Reason Codes Page


Define reason codes, which provide explanations for occurrences such as returned stock and changes to order headers, lines, or schedules. For example, you might set up a reason code called CUST-CA for orders that have been canceled at the customer's request.

You can also define return and reject reason codes for items that are received in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Click the Reason Codes link on the Maintain Codes page.

Ship To Locations Page


Associate the sourcing region with the appropriate ship to location.

Click the Ship To Locations link on the Maintain Codes page.

Sales Use Tax Page


Enter default sales and use tax information for each ship to location. The sales and use tax rates are normally based on the final destination of the shipment (the ship to location).

Click the Ship To Locations link on the Maintain Codes page. Then click the Sales/Use Tax link.

Ship To Supplier Order Location Page


Associate ship to supplier locations with the supplier order locations, SetIDs, and supplier ID.

Click the Ship To Locations link on the Maintain Codes page. Then click the Supplier Order Location link.

Ship Via Codes Page


Set up shipping codes.

Click the Shipping Methods link on the Maintain Codes page.

States Page


Add or review a state or province codes.

Click the States link on the Maintain Codes page.

Tax Authorities Page


Add to or update sales and use tax authorities.

Click the Tax Authorities link on the Maintain Codes page.

Tax Codes Page


Add or update sales and use tax codes.

Click the Tax Codes link on the Maintain Codes page.

Units of Measure Page


Establish units of measure for the resources.

Click the Units of Measure link on the Maintain Codes page.

Purchasing codes control information that is used during the purchasing process. Examples of these codes include carrier, currency, and commodity codes, as well as freight, location, and tax codes.

If you are using supplier integration, be sure that the country, currency, and units of measure codes that you define are the same as those that appear on the supplier's website. Use International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards.

Note: You can also access many of the pages that are listed in the following table by selecting Setup Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions and Setup Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related.