Using the Quick Sourcer

This section provides an overview of the Quick Sourcer and discusses how to enter parameters for the AutoSelect Requisitions process and enter parameters for the PO Calculations and Create Purchase Order processes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Selection Criteria Page


Enter parameters for the AutoSelect Requisitions process.

Sourcing Options Page


Enter parameters for the PO Calculations process and the Create PO process.

Run Results Page


Check the results. Navigate to the Run Results tab or use the Process Monitor.

The Quick Sourcer process creates orders from requisitions by creating a material stock request in an organization's inventory stock or creating a purchase order to send to the supplier.

The Quick Sourcer process combines these PeopleSoft Purchasing processes:



AutoSelect Requisitions process (PO_REQSORC)

Applies the priority one supplier to each requisition line.

Build Inventory Demand process (PO_REQINVS)

Checks the organization's inventory stock to see whether the order can be filled internally. This process applies only if PeopleSoft Inventory is installed. If stock is found, the system creates a material stock request in PeopleSoft Inventory, and the requisition is identified as complete. The material stock request ships the required stock to the requester.

PO Calculations process (PO_POCALC)

Verifies that the requisition has been completely filled from inventory stock. If it has not, the process passes the remaining quantity that is needed to the Create Purchase Order process.

Create Purchase Order process (PO_CREATE)

Creates a purchase order for requisition quantities that were not filled by the Build Inventory process. You can set up the system, so that if there is not enough inventory stock, a material stock request is issued for part of the order, and a purchase order is created for the remaining quantity.

Using the Quick Sourcer with Negative Price Items

For requisitions containing a negative price item, the above processes:

  • Do not source to PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing, or a request for quote (RFQ). You can only source to a purchase order.

  • Do not partially source the requisition line.

  • Do not reprice to match the system price. ( CALC_PRICE_FLG = N)

  • Do not consolidated with other requisitions. (CONSOLIDATE_FLG = N)

  • Do not apply contract pricing.

  • Do not use the price tolerance fields. (Tolerance/Tolerance Under, % Unit Price Tolerance, and Unit Price Tolerance)

For more information about negative price items, see the "Using a Negative Price on Special Request Pages" section of the "Using Special Requests and Express Forms to Create Requisitions" chapter.

See Understanding Special Requests and Express Forms.

Using the Quick Sourcer with Procurement Contract Functionality

The PeopleSoft eProcurement, PeopleSoft Purchasing, and PeopleSoft Payables applications are integrated with the procurement contract functionality to streamline the use of contacts with requisitions, purchase orders, and vouchers. As part of the contract functionality:

  • The system can automatically apply default contract information into a requisition line or you can manually add contract information. Applying contract prices to requisitions enables you to receive contract prices for requisition items and to more accurately track budgets and pre-encumbrance balances.

  • The system can automatically search for a contract or verifies the existing contract when sourcing a requisition to a purchase order. When sourcing requisitions in batch or processing online purchase orders, the system evaluates system settings to determine whether to check for prices and use a contract on the purchase order.

See Understanding How to Apply Procurement Contract Prices to Transactions.

See Understanding Voucher and Order Contracts.

Correcting Errors After the Quick Sourcer Process

When a requisition line is processed by Quick Sourcer, missing or incorrect information can cause the line to be set to the stage status of Error. Once the information on the requisition line is corrected and the stage status is set to Recycled, then the line can be reprocessed using just the PO Calculation process. For more information about error correction, see Using the Sourcing Workbench.

It is important to understand that essential information related to the PeopleSoft eProcurement application resides in companion documentation, especially the PeopleSoft Purchasing documentation , which you should be familiar with.

See Using the Sourcing Workbench.

Use the Selection Criteria page (PV_RUN_REQSORC_1) to enter parameters for the AutoSelect Requisitions process.


eProcurement > Buyer Center > Quick Source Requisitions > Selection Criteria

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Selection Criteria page of the Quick Source Requisitions component. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Selection Criteria page of the Quick Source Requisitions component

Field or Control


Request Type

Select the type of requisition. Values are:

Inventory Demand: Processes only the requisition lines for which the Inventory Source check box is selected.

Note: You can select the Inventory Source check box on the Items Definition page.

Purchase Orders: Processes only the requisition lines for which the Inventory Source check box is not selected.

Both Inventory Demand and PO's: Processes both types of requisitions.

Item ID Required

Select to process the requisitions that have a valid item ID that is set for AutoSelect. Define an item for AutoSelect on the Purchasing Attributes - Purchasing Controls page. If this check box is deselected, the Quick Sourcer processes special requests. If the special request does not include a supplier ID, then the requisition line appears with an error status in the purchase order staging tables. If this check box is selected, then all special requests are processed manually using the Requisition Expediter page.

From Business Unit

If you are opting to source by a range of business units, you can elect to put a starting value in the From Business Unit field and an ending value in the To Business Unit field.

From Requisition ID

If you are opting to source by a range of requisitions, you can elect to put a starting value in the From Requisition IDfield and an ending value in the To Requisition ID field.

Requisition Name

Select the name of a specific requisition. This is the name the requester assigned to the requisition. If a name was not assigned, the system uses the requisition ID as the name. This limits the search results to one specific requisition.


Specify the requester for whom you want to source requisitions.


Select a specific buyer for whom to source requisitions to create purchase orders.

Supplier SetID

Specify the specific supplier SetID for the system to narrow its search.

Supplier ID

Specify the specific supplier ID for the system to narrow its search.

Contract SetID

If you are sourcing requisitions associated to contracts, you can specify the specific contract SetID for the system to narrow its search.

Contract ID

If you are sourcing requisitions associated to contracts, you can specify the specific contract ID for the system to narrow its search.

Category SetID

Specify the specific category set ID for the system to narrow its search.


Specify the specific category for the system to narrow its search.

Work Order ID

Select a work order that is associated with sourcing the requisition.


Select the origin for the purchase order. Origin codes are established on the Origin Codes page and help identify the origins of transactions.

Line Type Option

Select one option to filter sourcing by the line type. The line type options given are:

  • All Items.

  • Catalog Items.

  • Direct Connect Items.

  • Special Request Items.

Date Selection

Field or Control



Specify date selection criteria to select the requisition lines with source dates that are within the specified date criteria, as related to the current system date. Values are:

No Selection by Date.

Current Date.

Current Date Minus Days.

Current Date Plus Days.

Specified Date.


Restricts the range to before, equal to, or after the date in the Date field. For example, to select requisitions for sourcing that have source dates for the next three days, select P in the Option field, <= in the Operand field, and 3 in the Nbr Days (number of days) field.

Nbr Days (number of days)

The number of days for the before, equal to, and after selection in the Operand field.


Specify the date to use in the date selection criteria. This field is required when you select S in the Option field.

Use the Sourcing Options page (PV_RUN_REQSORC_2) to enter parameters for the PO Calculations process and the Create PO process.


eProcurement > Buyer Center > Quick Source Requisitions

Click the Sourcing Options tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Sourcing Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Sourcing Options page

Field or Control



Select the buyer to use on the purchase order header in case the PO Calculations process cannot determine the buyer. The buyer name is carried at the line level on the requisition, so a requisition can have multiple buyers.

When the PO Calculations process creates the purchase order header, it must assign a buyer name. If all the staged lines that belong on one purchase order have the same buyer name, the PO Calculations process uses that name on the header. However, if the staged lines that belong on the purchase order have different buyer names, and the process that created the staged entry did not specify a name, the name that you enter here is used on the purchase order header.

Consolidation Method

Determines whether purchase orders are consolidated by business unit, supplier, and buyer, or by business unit and supplier only. The consolidation method applies only to staged rows that are identified for consolidation.

For example, suppose that you choose to consolidate by business unit and supplier only, then all the rows that belong to the same supplier in each business unit are grouped into one purchase order, even if they have different buyers. Alternately, if you add a buyer to the criteria, purchase orders are built in the same manner. However, they are split between buyers, so that each buyer has a separate purchase order with this configuration.

Lead Time Factor %, Ship to Priority Factor %, Price Factor %, and Supplier Priority Factor % (percentage)supplier priority factor

These fields are used for flexible sourcing. To override the category and item settings, enter the percentage weight that you want the PO Calculations process to give the factor when the application process evaluates suppliers for flexible sourcing. The sum of these factors must be 100 percent.


Enter an origin to be used on the purchase order.

Purchase Order Date

Enter a date for the purchase order, if a date has not been assigned. If you leave this field blank, the PO Calculations process uses the current system date.

Purchase Order Reference

Enter a purchase order reference for the purchase orders. This is a free-form field.

Pre-Approve Supplier

Select to approve the supplier automatically that the PO Calculations process selects. This option enables you to run the PO Calculations process and the Create Purchase Order process as a unit, without having to approve the suppliers.

Build POs as Approved

Select so that the purchase orders that are created when you run the Create Purchase Order process have an Approved status. If you select this option, the process examines auto-approval criteria set at the business unit level.

Expedite Staged POs

Select to source all requisitions that are located in the staging table.

Calculate PO Line Numbers

Select to ignore staged entry line numbers when the Create Purchase Order process creates new purchase orders and assigns sequential line numbers, beginning with 1. If you do not select this option, the performance is faster, but you might have purchase orders with nonsequential line numbers that do not begin with 1.

Hold from Further Processing

Select to place the resultant purchase orders on hold and prevent further processing.

Budget Check

Select to run the budget checking process on the resultant purchase orders.

Document Tolerance

Select to run the document tolerance checking process on the resultant purchase orders.

Note: This option is available when you select the Enable Document Tolerance check box on the Installation Options - Overall page.

Allow Dispatch When Appr (approved)

Select to make the resultant purchase orders eligible for dispatch.

PO Dispatch (purchase order dispatch)

Select to run the purchase order dispatch process on the resultant purchase orders. This option is only available when the Allow Dispatch When Approved check box is selected.

Note: Users can view the results either by navigating to the Run Results page or by using the Process Monitor PeopleTools > Process Schedule > Process Monitor.

Use the Run Results page (RUN_PO_AUTOSRC_LOG) to check the results. Navigate to the Run Results tab or use the Process Monitor.


eProcurement > Buyer Center > Quick Source Requisitions

Click the Run Results tab.