Understanding the eRFQ Feature

Complex quoting and contracting procurement processes require extensive communication, collaboration, and negotiation between buying and selling organizations, and are critical to establishing long-term partnerships with trusted suppliers. In today's environment, traditional applications do not facilitate real-time communications and collaboration between trading partners. In PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection, the eRFQ feature enables your suppliers to use an internet browser to review and respond to RFQs that are generated in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

The buyer:

  1. Creates and dispatches the RFQ in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

    Before a supplier can view and respond to an RFQ in PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection, you must create it, use the Dispatch Supplier List or the Item Supply Supplier List to assign the RFQ to the supplier, and dispatch it to the supplier. When dispatching by email, the email includes a link which returns the supplier back to the RFQ to respond.

  2. Alerts the supplier to the RFQ.

    You can set up automatic workflow notification if your installation includes PeopleSoft Applications Portal, or you can generate an email that contains a URL to send the supplier directly to the RFQ details as part of the dispatch process.

The supplier:

  1. Accesses the RFQ in PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection.

    If the supplier accesses the RFQ component using the portal menu, the Request for Quote List page displays the RFQs that meet the search criteria. The supplier can also access the component using the RFQ pagelet.

  2. Reviews new RFQs and submits responses.

    The supplier can review requested items and submit responses by item regarding information such as quantity, price, date, and lead time.

    When the supplier submits a response, the system captures and date- and time-stamps the current RFQ details and the supplier's response. This enables the buyer to review supplier responses even if the RFQ or response information subsequently changes The RFQ response status also changes in PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection to Responded, and now you can view or maintain the RFQ response in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

    Note: The buyer can view or maintain the RFQ or RFQ responses after the RFQ is dispatched; the buyer does not need to await supplier response to access it through PeopleSoft Purchasing.

RFQ Response Modification

The buyer can propose a change to the quote by reopening the RFQ line (by deselecting the Responded check box) and directly changing the price, quantity, due date, or other fields on the RFQ Response (request for quote response) page in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Upon saving the changes, the system changes the RFQ status back to New (as seen by the supplier), and now the supplier can enter a new response to the RFQ.

Note: The system does not capture buyer changes to RFQ responses in the RFQ history.

See the product documentation for PeopleSoft Purchasing.