Inquiring About Item Usage and Receipts

The Consumer Usage Inquiry component provides material usage for the business unit by consumer; the Usage Desktop enables multilevel inquiry about usage quantities for a business unit-item combination.

  • The IN Populate Usage Desktop process (IN_USG_DSKTP) calculates and summarizes item usage information.

  • The Usage Desktop Inquiry page displays item usage and transaction data.

    This inquiry page displays usage quantities in period (monthly) buckets for 12 periods. Reorder characteristics appear on the same page to enable you to make comparisons between usage quantities and reorder amounts. The system provides additional drill-down capabilities to navigate to customer usage, transaction type, and transaction-level detail.

    If the item is replenishment planned in the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit, the Include in Replenishment check box is selected and the replenishment method appears. If the replenishment method is Par, then the optimal quantity appears. If the replenishment method is Fixed Order Quantity, then the optimal quantity and fixed order quantity appear. If the replenishment method is Min/Max, then the optimal quantity and the maximum quantity appear.

    If the item has purchasing information defined, the primary supplier for the item and the supplier's default unit of measure (UOM) appear. If you purchased the item from an internal or external source, you can view the last price paid and the average price paid. These prices include material price only. Links are available to take users to the following pages:

    • Item supplier under Purchasing Attributes (ITM_supplier).

      Default item for this inquiry.

    • Item/supplier Unit of Measure (ITM_supplier_UOM_INQ)

      Default item and primary supplier for this inquiry.

    • Item Contract Inquiry

      Default the item ID and primary supplier for this inquiry.

To inquire about item usage:

  1. Run the IN Populate Usage Desktop process to update usage information for a particular item, an item category, or all items in the business unit.

  2. Use the Usage Desktop Inquiry page to view quantity, replenishment, and supply details.

    Note: Only transactions for which you ran the Create Accounting Lines portion of the Cost Accounting Creation process (CM_CSTAACTG) display usage details, with the exception of non-costed items, for which the Accounting Line Creation process does not create accounting lines.

  3. Click the Current Usage Inquiry button to access the Usage Detail Information page, where you select customer- or transaction-related links to drill into further usage detail for the item.

    This button appears to the right of each period at the bottom of the Usage Desktop Inquiry page. If no transaction data exists for this item during the last 12 periods, then the button does not appear. If transaction data is available, click the Current Usage Inquiry button to access the Usage Detail Information page where you can link to the following pages:

    1. The Issue Customer Demand page displays summarized quantities of the item sent to an internal customer. Location code, description, general ledger business unit, department, item usage quantity, and the average monthly quantity appear for the given period.

      You can select any location code to link to a customer shipment inquiry that shows the individual shipments, which make up the period's total.

    2. The Sales Customer Demand page displays summarized quantities of the item sent to an external customer. Customer ID, customer name, item description, item usage quantity, and the average monthly quantity appear for the given period.

      You can select any customer ID to link to a customer shipment inquiry that shows the individual shipments, which make up the period's total.

    3. The Customer Demand page displays summarized quantities of the item sent to any customer (internal or external) in this period.

      You can select any customer ID or location code to link to a customer shipment inquiry that shows the individual shipments, which make up the period's total.

    4. The Transaction Group Usage page displays transaction usage quantities broken down into transaction groups for a particular period.

      Also, you can view details for a specific transaction group by selecting a linked transaction group value to access the Review Transaction History page.