
Under certain circumstances, you may need to overpick, or pick more than the planned quantity for an order line. You define overpicking parameters at the customer level for sales orders and external issues (on PeopleSoft Order Management's General Information - Ship To Options page) or at the business unit level for internal issues and interunit transfers (on PeopleSoft Inventory's Setup Fulfillment page). Activating the Allow Overpick option on either of these pages indicates that the customer or business unit allows overpicking. You also define a maximum picking tolerance, which determines the permissible overpick percentage. PeopleSoft Inventory issues a warning message if the overpicked amount on either the Material Picking Feedback page or the Shipping/Issues - Picking Feedback page exceeds the defined percentage. You can then accept or reject the overpick.

Overpicking is designed for situations in which you must pick and ship more than the requested quantity of a weighed or measured item in order to meet a customer's processing requirements. For example, suppose that a customer has requested 100 rods, each 8 feet long and 2 inches in diameter. The ends of the rods must be forged in such a way that they require an extra inch on each end for processing, bringing the total length of each rod to 8 feet 4 inches. If the percentage of overpick exceeds the defined maximum picking tolerance, a warning message appears (you can, however, still pick the extra quantity).

This feature is not intended to consolidate backorders, to reallocate stock to other orders, or to increase the quantity requested. While it is physically possible to redistribute overpicked stock to fulfill backorders, the system does not recognize this action as a backorder fulfillment and does not use the overpicked amount to adjust any existing backorders for the order schedule.

When you overpick an allocated demand line, at the picking feedback step PeopleSoft Inventory increases the hard allocation for the storage location from which the stock was picked, decreases the quantity available, and increases the quantity reserved at the business unit level. When you overpick a demand line that has not been allocated, the available quantity is decreased at both the material storage location level and the business unit level when the Picking Confirmations process is run.

Overpicking can drive the quantity available negative at the storage location level. If the business unit does not allow negative quantity, you must pick from alternate storage locations. In addition, if negative quantities are not allowed, you can overpick only up to the quantity available in the business unit.

You can overpick lot-allocated order lines, but if you later want to remove any of these lines from the pick batch, you must first reduce the quantity picked to the original allocation for each lot.

Overpicking can occur due to unit of measure conversions; in these cases, the rounding rule defined for the item and business unit is not followed. The quantity is always rounded down.

Note: You cannot overpick on the Express Issue page or on the Allocate Lots page. In addition, you cannot overpick on a return to vendor MSR.