Searching for Material Storage Locations

You can search for material storage locations from any page that has an editable storage location field.

To search for material storage locations:

  1. Use the Storage Location Search page (STOR_LOC_SRCH_SP) to search for material storage locations in a selected business unit. (Navigation: Click the Storage Location Search button next to any editable storage location field.)

  2. On the Storage Location Search page, enter a value at any level, then click the Search button.

    The first storage location field is for the storage area; the subsequent values correspond to the first, second, third, and fourth storage levels. You can search for material storage locations at any level without entering all the higher levels. For example, if you enter a value for the fourth level, the search returns all material locations containing that value. You can also use wildcards in the search.

  3. Select the check box next to a material storage location to populate the location fields on the primary page with the selection.

Under certain circumstances, the system filters data before returning it to the Storage Location Search page. If you have already entered material storage locations on the page from which you are initiating the search, only the locations entered on the primary page appear on the page. In this case, you can remove the filter by clearing the entries in the search criteria fields and then click the Search button again. All material storage locations defined for the selected business unit now appear.

Filtering also occurs when you initiate a search from a primary page for which only particular material storage locations are valid. For example, searches initiated from the picking pages return only locations with quantity on hand, and searches from the putaway pages return only locations that meet selection criteria. If the business unit does not enable negative inventory, the Express Issue and Material Picking Feedback pages require that all material storage locations returned have available inventory balances for the selected item. These two pages require that locations contain inventory with Open or Restricted status levels. (When processing return-to-vendor transactions, however, the Express Issue page does allow the return of inventory stored in a location with a Hold or Rejected status.)

Note: Because PeopleSoft Inventory does not limit you to storing items at only one level, not all locations returned to the Storage Location Search page have the same level structure. If the selected item is stored exclusively at a certain level, however, the system displays only the storage areas containing that level.

You cannot search for closed material storage locations.

In addition to the above filters, you can further restrict the number of material storage locations initially displayed of the Storage Location Search page using the Initial Search Row Limit field on the Inventory page of the Installation Options component. If the search criteria information on the initial inventory page is incomplete, then a large number of material storage locations could be retrieved resulting in a delay to access the Storage Location Search page. Use the Initial Search Row Limit field to limit the initial display. Once you are on the Storage Location Search page, the search criteria are not limited by this field in order to allow broader searches for the correct material storage location. To prevent performance delays once you are on the Storage Location Search page be sure to enter enough search criteria before performing another search.

Page Name

Definition Name


Storage Location Search


Search for material storage locations in a selected business unit.