Setting up the Demand Change Configuration

The Demand Change Configuration feature enables you to configure the fulfillment process and control where and when sales orders from PeopleSoft Order Management can be changed. Change configuration is defined by field. When a user attempts to change a field on an existing sales order in PeopleSoft Order Management or in PeopleSoft Inventory, the system checks the demand change configuration setup to determine if the change is allowed.

The demand change configuration can be:

  1. Viewed at the system level using the Demand Change Configuration component.

    This component contains the default configuration values including defaults defined only at the system-level. These defaults are applied to all new inventory business units that you create.

  2. Changed at the inventory business unit level using the Setup Fulfillment-Demand Change Configuration page.

    Using this page you can change the system-defined default values for a specific PeopleSoft Inventory business unit.

Important! The Demand Change Configuration component and the Setup Fulfillment-Demand Change Configuration page are important setup for your order processing. Any changes to the initial setup should be done with caution and only by authorized personnel.

The ability to change fields on a sales order is restricted not just by the Demand Change Configuration feature but also by the order's state in the fulfillment process. For example, for orders in the shipped state you cannot change the fields related to reservations and order release since these stages are in the past. The Demand Change Configuration restricts you to the appropriate states.

When changing the system-defined default values on the Setup Fulfillment-Demand Change Configuration page, keep in mind the following rules:

  • Changes made to sales orders using the Maintain Stock Request component in PeopleSoft Inventory are not copied to the PeopleSoft Order Management system.

  • The system does not allow you to change fields that would cause a re-configuration of a configured item or a configured product kit.

  • Changes to the shipping information fields, such as; Ship Method, Carrier ID, Load ID, Ship To Address, Ship To Cust ID, Ship To Name, Location, Route Code, Freight Terms, Intrastat Flag, or Export Flag fields can affect shipping labels, packing slips, bills of lading, routes, and loads. If reports or labels have already been printed using the old address, you must reprint these documents.

    If you override the location, ship to, address sequence number, carrier, ship via, or scheduled ship date prior to picking for a demand line that already has a route assignment, the original assignment is canceled.

  • For a sales order, changing the Ship From (inventory business unit), the supply source information, product ID, UOM, kit components, or configuration code causes the demand line to be canceled and a new demand line to be created.

    Therefore, the state used for these fields in the Allow Changes Thru columns of the Demand Change Configuration must be the same state or an earlier state than the state used for the schedule line status (ORD_SCH_STATUS) field. Also, changing the Ship From unit on a sales order line causes a re-validation of the shipping fields that are keyed by SetID if the SetID for the new inventory business unit is different from the original unit.

    Note: For single ship orders, you cannot change the Ship From inventory business unit.

  • Since Loads (LOAD_ID), Routes (ROUTE_CD), Route Stop (ROUTE_STOP_NBR), and scheduled ship date (SCHED_SHIP_DTTM) are based on a carrier (CARRIER_ID) and ship type (SHIP_TYPE_ID), these fields must use the same state in the Allow Changes Thru columns of the Demand Change Configuration.

  • The Ship To address (ADDRESS1), Ship To address override level (ADDR_OVRD_LEVEL), Ship To location field (ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM), and Ship To contact (CNTCT_SEQ_SHIP) must use the same state in the Allow Changes Thru columns of the Demand Change Configuration.

    The Ship To address field controls the ability to change the ship to address including customer name, address lines, email, phone, and contacts. Keep in mind that a change to the Ship To address can cause the ship dates to change if the new address is in a different country or state/province.

  • The PEG_STATUS and SUP_PEG_STATUS fields must use the same state in the Allow Changes Thru columns of the Demand Change Configuration.

  • The scheduled ship date (SCHED_SHIP_DTTM) and scheduled arrival date (SCHED_ARRV_DTTM) fields must use the same state in the Allow Changes Thru columns of the Demand Change Configuration.

Increasing or Decreasing Quantities

Based on your setup, the Demand Change Configuration feature enables you to make the following changes to the requested quantity of a sales order:

  • Increasing the quantity requested on a sales order line is only allowed in the unfulfilled state. Once the line is in the releasable state, you cannot increase the order quantity; instead, you can create a new order line for the order.

  • If you decrease the quantity requested for a sales order line that has already been reserved, promised, or allocated, the system releases the reservation (de-allocates) for the decreased amount.

    For a sales order line with multiple demand lines, the system removes the reservation or allocation by:

    1. The fulfillment state (IN_FULFILL_STATE) of the demand line starting with the lowest fulfillment state; unfulfilled, then releasable, and so on.

    2. For demand lines with the same fulfillment state, the system removes the reservation or allocation by reservation status (RESERVE_STATUS).

    3. For demand lines with the same fulfillment state and reservation status, the system removes the reservation or allocation by the lot allocation flag (LOT_ALLOC_FLAG).

      Lines with no lot allocation are unreserved or de-allocated first.

    4. For demand lines with the same fulfillment state, reservation status, or lot allocation flag setting, the system removes the reservation or allocation by demand line number (DEMAND_LINE_NO) starting with the highest demand line number.

  • If you decrease the quantity requested for a sales order line that has already been lot-allocated, the system releases the lot-allocation for the decreased amount in the following order:

    1. Demand lines that are not lot-allocated are canceled first starting with the lowest fulfillment state (unfulfilled, then releasable, and so on).

    2. Demand lines that are lot-allocated are de-allocated starting with the lowest fulfillment state.

      For multiple demand lines in the same fulfillment state, demand is de-allocated in the reverse order in which it was initially allocated by the system.

Page Name

Definition Name


Demand Change Configuration Page


At the system level, view the default values defining the ability to change fields on a sales order during the fulfillment process.

Setup Fulfillment- Demand Change Configuration Page


At the inventory business unit level, view or change the system-level default values for the individual Inventory business unit.

Use the Demand Change Configuration page (IN_DMD_CHG_CFG) to at the system level, view the default values defining the ability to change fields on a sales order during the fulfillment process.


Set Up Financials/ Supply Chain > Product Related > Inventory > Demand Change Configuration

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Demand Change Configuration page at the system level. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Demand Change Configuration page at the system level.

During inventory fulfillment, any changes to sales orders entered in PeopleSoft Order Management must conform to the Demand Change Configuration parameters. The Demand Change Configuration page enables the user to view the system-level default values. This page is display only except for the Message Number field under the General tab. These settings are overridden by entries on the Setup Fulfillment- Demand Change Configuration page.

OM Flags

Field or Control



Identifies the fields on a sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management that can be configured to be changed during inventory demand fulfillment.

Allow OM Changes Thru

For sales orders, view the last state of the demand line for this field to be changed from within PeopleSoft Order Management.

OM Fieldname

Displays the name of the PeopleSoft Order Management field.

Allow OM Update Past OM State

If selected, the system allows changes to this field after the state defined in the Allow OM Changes Thru column. The system notifies an inventory manager when a change is made.

IN Flags

Field or Control



Identifies the fields on a sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management that can be configured to be changed during inventory demand fulfillment.

Allow INV Changes Thru

Displays the last state of the demand line that this field can be changed from the Maintain Stock Requests component.

INV Fieldname

Displays the name of the PeopleSoft Inventory field.


Field or Control



Identifies the fields on a sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management that can be configured to be changed during inventory demand fulfillment.

Change Applies to All Demand

If selected, the system allows a change made to this field to be applied to related demand lines. For example, if a user changes line number 40 of a 100 line sales order, then the system applies the change to all demand lines of order line number 40 but not any other line in the sales order.

Change Order Sequence Number

Displays the sequence in which changes are applied. Field changes are done in a prescribed order. For example, for sales orders, changes to the Ship From (inventory business unit) or the supply source information are done first since these fields drive other field changes. Fields that derived their value from entries in other fields (derived fields) are processed last. For example, your entry in the Carrier ID field can change the value in the Scheduled Ship Date/Time field. Also keep in mind, that a change is not allowed in a derived field if the main field does not allow changes. For example, a change to the Scheduled Ship Date/Time field is not allowed if the Carrier ID field cannot be changed. This provides sequencing at each change level; header, line, schedule, demand line, and product/item.

Message Set

Displays the message set number. Each message set consists of a category of messages that are stored in the Message Catalog. This field helps provide labeling for the business unit-level configuration page.

Message Number

Enter or view the message number for changing this field. Each message set consists of one or more rows of messages that are identified by a message number. You add and maintain system messages by using the Message Catalog page. This field helps provide labeling for the business unit-level configuration page.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Setup Manager

Use the Setup Fulfillment- Demand Change Configuration page (OF_SETUP9_INV) to at the inventory business unit level, view or change the system-level default values for the individual Inventory business unit.

This page defines the user's ability to change fields on a sales order during the fulfillment process.


Inventory > Fulfill Stock Orders > Fulfillment Rules > Setup Fulfillment > Demand Change Configuration

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Demand Change Configuration page at the business unit level. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Demand Change Configuration page at the business unit level

During inventory fulfillment, any changes to sales orders entered in PeopleSoft Order Management must conform to the Demand Change Configuration parameters. The Setup Fulfillment- Demand Change Configuration page allow the user to change the system-defined default values to control which fields are restricted and when they are restricted within the inventory business unit.

Configuration tab

Field or Control



Identifies the fields on a sales order and other settings from PeopleSoft Order Management that can be configured to be changed during inventory demand fulfillment.

Allow OM Changes Thru

Select the last state of the demand line that this field can be changed from the sales order.

Allow INV Changes Thru

Select the last state of the demand line that this field can be changed from the Maintain Stock Requests component.

Allow OM Update Past OM State

Select to enable changes to this field after the state defined in the Allow OM Changes Thru column. The system notifies an inventory manager when a change is made.

Note: The Maintain Stock Request component will not allow changes to sales orders unless the demand line is past the last state defined here, except for the Ship To Address field and product kit component demand.

Change Applies to All Demand

Select if a change made to this field should be applied to all demand lines in the order.

Contact Information tab

Field or Control


Notification State

The earliest state at which an inventory manager would be notified of updates to demand from PeopleSoft Order Management. For example, if this field specifies the released state, then any change to a sales order in the released, releasable, confirmed, shipped, or deleted states will send a notification.

Inventory Manager

Identify the person to be notified for changes made to a sales order after the last state allowed defined in the Allow OM Changes Thru column. These changes launch a notification using the Message Dashboard.

Name, Employee ID, and Email ID

Displays the information of the inventory manager.