Understanding Shipping Rules

The following rules are applied when shipping with the fulfillment engine:

  • When shipping a product kit from PeopleSoft Order Management, the system builds a shipment for the maximum number of kits that can be shipped based on components previously picked or based on short shipments entered.

    If there are not enough required components to make up a whole kit, then the system ships as many complete kits as possible. The remaining quantities that could not be shipped are putaway or scrapped based on the value in the Short Ship Opt field. When this situation arises in a Front-End Ship transaction, no putaway occurs since the items were never picked.

  • Items that have been pre-allocated or lot-allocated can be shipped from an Unfulfilled or Releasable state but only from the allocated material storage location for the allocated quantity.

  • You cannot overpick when shipping from an Unfulfilled or Releasable state.

  • When shipping from an Unfulfilled or Releasable state the negative inventory rules are followed when determining whether or not items can be picked from the designated storage location.

    If negative inventory is not allowed then the transaction is rejected. If negative inventory is allowed then the balance at the location will be driven negative.

  • Backorders or cancel backorders are created based on the Backorder Rule for shipping on the demand line.

    If no rule exists, the Cancel Backorder check box on the demand line is used.

  • Holds on any sales orders are checked based on your setup in the Order Management Definition-Holds Processing page.

  • When detail segments on a shipping transaction reference a specific demand line, the quantity and UOM provided on the transaction will be used in place of the values that currently exist in the system for that demand line.

    However, if the UOM on the transaction is not a valid shipping UOM, then the ordering UOM is used as the shipping UOM

    Another exception to this rule is when using the exclude option. Demand lines being excluded are always excluded completely so the quantity and UOM fields are never used in this situation.

    A detail level entry is referencing a specific demand line if one of four combinations of selection criteria is entered. The four combinations are the full demand key, pick batch ID and pick batch line number, external reference ID and external line number, as well as the TMS reference ID and TMS reference line number.

  • Except for pre-allocated or lot-allocated demand lines, if the item being shipped is lot-controlled, serial-controlled, staged date controlled or in a storage container, then you must provide an LLS segment (location, lot, serial) on the shipping request identifying the items to be picked from an Unfulfilled or Releasable state.

    When shipping from a confirmed state the LLS segment would only be needed to identify items to be included or excluded when short shipping previously picked items. In either case, if you enter a serial ID then you do not need to enter additional LLS data. Otherwise, if a serial ID is not entered, then all information must be entered to fully identify the item.

  • When shipping items in shipping containers either the demand lines being shipped or specific shipping containers containing these demand lines can be entered at the group or detail level.

    The fulfillment engine enforces the following rules when working with shipping containers:

    • All demand lines within a shipping container must be shipped on a single shipping transaction.

      If group or detail information identifying demand lines within a shipping container are entered on the transaction then all demand lines within a container must be referenced by selection criteria. If any demand lines are missing from the request then the transaction is rejected.

    • When a shipping container is referenced on a shipping request for a partially packed demand line and no reference to the unpacked portion is provided, then a short shipping situation is assumed.

      The packed quantity is shipped and the remaining quantity is putaway or scrapped. The unpacked quantity can be included in the shipment by referencing the demand line in selection criteria at a group or detail level. While the shipping container ID is considered group-level information, it never references unpacked quantities. All other group selection criteria reference both packed and unpacked quantities.

    • If a partially packed demand line is referenced as a short shipment exception on a detail segment then it is assumed that the shorted quantity is taken out of the unpacked portion of the quantities picked.

      Packed quantities can never be shipped short. They must first be removed from the container.

    • When a single demand line is packed in multiple containers then all containers must be referenced on the shipping transaction.

      This reference can be made by including each of the shipping container IDs on the transaction or by including other selection criteria that references the demand line.

  • The planned release quantity is used for shipping.

    The planned release quantity is determined as follows when shipping from a Releasable state:

    1. The reserve quantity for soft-reserved items.

    2. The promised quantity for ATP items.

    3. For non-soft reserved, non-ATP items, the override quantity is used if entered on the Shortage Workbench.

      If no override quantity exists, then the planned release quantity is the requested quantity less the backorder quantity.

    When shipping from an Unfulfilled state, the planned release quantity is quantity requested less the quantity backordered.

  • If partial quantity approvals are required before a Releasable demand line can be picked then approval must be given using the Shortage Workbench before it can be shipped on a shipping request.

  • The fulfillment engine assigns a shipping ID to every demand line that is shipped.

    All demand lines shipped on a single transaction are assigned the next system generated shipping ID, unless they already contain a shipping ID or unless a shipping ID is provided as an override on the transaction. If the demand line already has a shipping ID assigned then that shipping ID is used as long as an override shipping ID is not included on the shipping transaction. If a override shipping ID is included on the transaction, then it is used for all demand lines in the shipment.

  • Demand lines in a Releasable state can be shipped regardless of the Pick Lines Awaiting Upload setting on the Setup Fulfillment-Transportation Interface component.

  • When using a transaction request to ship, if the selection criteria specifies demand lines, then you must include the business unit on the level above; the header or group level of the transaction request.

    In addition, if the selection criteria includes just a business unit with no lower level detail, then the transaction is rejected.

  • If any error is found on a Front-End Ship transaction request or run control request with demand lines in the from states of Unfulfilled or Releasable then the full request is rejected in error.

    For other shipping transactions, the pass-through options are used to determine at what level to reject for shipments from other states. However, if pass-through is Line and one line fails, but that line is in a kit or container, then the whole kit or container will be rejected. Any other demand lines in the selection criteria would continue.

  • If you are shipping from an Unfulfilled or Releasable state, you cannot pick inventory from a material storage location that is using the capacity-checking feature.

  • For ship serial items, the system can assign the ship serial ID on the Shipping/Issues component, the Fulfillment Workbench, the Inventory Front End Shipping EIP, or the Inventory Shipping EIP.

    To use the Front End Shipping process page or the Shipping process page, you must have ship serials defined for the demand line before processing.