Updating Stock Quantities

Page Name

Definition Name


Stock Quantity Update Page


Run the Stock Quantity Update process to update the system balances for the counted storage locations, after entering the count data for a counting event.

The Stock Quantity Update process:

  • Updates inventory quantities.

  • Creates transactions for any shrinkage or recoveries.

  • Adjusts storage location quantities by the difference between the count quantity and the system quantity at the actual time of the count.

For cycle counts, the process takes into consideration all transactions that have occurred since the counting event date and time stamp and the date and time that you ran the Reconciliation report.

When updating lot-controlled items, the process calculates lot availability, retest, and expiration dates if you have defined shelf life, availability lead time, and retest lead time values for the item in the business unit. These dates are not recalculated if they already exist in the system.

Note: If the business unit requires closure calendar validation and processing for material management activities as you defined on the Closure Calendar page, and the calculated lot retest date falls on a defined closure date, the system uses the first previous valid date that you defined for the function.

For an item count line representing a positive quantity adjustment, the Stock Quantity Update process inserts a new row with a unit cost into the Actual Cost table (CM_ACTUAL_COST). If the item count line is for a perpetual costed item and if no record exists in the Perpetual Cost table (CM_PERPAVG_COST) for the item, the Stock Quantity Update also inserts a row with a unit cost of zero into the CM_PERPAVG_COST table, using the same keys as the adjustment transaction record in the TRANSACTION_INV table.

Use the Stock Quantity Update page (CNT_PST_INV_REQ) to run the Stock Quantity Update process to update the system balances for counted storage locations, after entering count data for a counting event.


Inventory > Inventory Counts > Reconcile Inventory Balances > Update Stock Quantity > Stock Quantity Update

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Stock Quantity Update page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Stock Quantity Update page

The Commit Batch option controls database commit level processing. The standard default for PeopleSoft Inventory processes is 100 rows per SQL commit command. The Stock Quantity Update process makes adjustments for those counting event detail lines with a status of Ready to Update Stock Quantity and for which a Reconciliation report has been run. After the process completes, you must also release storage locations on the Material Storage Locations page if any were frozen for the counting event.

The Stock Quantity Update process checks for errors before updating the system tables. If it finds errors, the status of the detail line remains Ready to Update Stock and the system displays an error message on the Item Counts page.

Error Message



No Lot Control Record

The combination of item and lot on the counting event detail line was not located in the business unit's LOT_CONTROL_ INV table. The data-collection file may have included an incorrect or incomplete lot ID.

  1. Go to the Item Counts page and select a valid lot ID.

  2. If the lot is correct, go to the Lot Control Information page in the Maintain Inventory menu and set up the lot ID for the business unit.

  3. Enter the correct item-lot combination, then rerun the Stock Quantity Update process.

The business unit was not set up for creating lots automatically.

Do one of the following:

  • Create a new lot on the Lot Control Information page or select the Allow Auto-Add of New Lots option on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page.

  • Rerun the Stock Quantity Update process.

Duplicate Serial Item found

A duplicate serial-controlled item exists in this location. The quantity for a serial-controlled item can be a non-zero value in only one location, indicating that incorrect data was included in the counting event.

Cancel the counting event line.

Missing UOM Conversion Rate (missing unit of measure conversion rate)

A conversion rate is not on file for the given UOM to the item's standard UOM.

Set up a UOM conversion rate on the Units of Measure page in the Define Items menu.

Serial ID - multiple locations

A serial ID exists in a location other than the one included in the counting event detail line. You cannot insert the same serial-controlled item into two different locations. The quantity for a serial-controlled item can be a non-zero value in only one location.

Do one of the following:

  • Adjust the quantity for one of the serial items to zero using the Adjustments page in the Maintaining Inventory menu.

  • Cancel the counting event line.

Container - multiple locations

The container ID exists in a location other than the one included on the counting event detail line. You cannot insert a container into two different locations.

Do one of the following:

  • Use the Container Management page in the Maintain Containers menu to move all of the items out of one of the containers.

  • Use the Adjustments page in the Maintaining Inventory menu to adjust all item quantities in one of the containers to zero.

  • Cancel the counting event detail line.

Wrong Item - Single Item Cntr (wrong item in single item container)

Another item ID with a non-zero value is stored in this single-item container. You cannot put an item into a single-item container to which another item is assigned.

Do one of the following:

  • Use the Container Management page in the Maintain Containers menu to move the item out of the single-item container.

  • Use the Adjustments page in the Maintaining Inventory menu to adjust the item quantity in the single-item container to zero.

  • Cancel the counting event detail line.

Incomplete Item Definition

The counting event detail line is missing required item definition information from the Master Item table (MASTER_ITEM_TBL), Business Unit-Items table, or both. This error generally indicates that the item ID is incorrect or is new and has not been defined in the Define Item component.

Do one of the following:

  • Define the new item using the Define Item component.

  • Select a valid item ID on the Item Counts page.

No standard cost for the item

A standard cost item is missing a standard cost. You need to add a standard cost for the item and rerun the Stock Quantity Update process or cancel the counting event line.

Do one of the following:

  • If there are no PeopleSoft Manufacturing business units in your environment, use the Item Production Costs page to add a standard cost for the item.

  • If you have PeopleSoft Manufacturing installed, verify that your cost foundation has been properly set up for this item.

    Rerun the Cost Rollup process and the Update Production process. Verify that the standard cost now exists, using the Product Cost by Item inquiry page.

New Container Not Allowed

The business unit was not set up to create containers automatically.

  1. Create a new container on the Define Storage Container page or select the Create Container Automatically option on the Container Defaults page.

  2. Rerun the Stock Quantity Update process.

Negative balance not allowed for this business unit

The Allow Negative Inventory option on the Business Unit Options page is not active for the business unit, and the current transaction results in a negative quantity. This error appears only if transactions are still occurring during a cycle count.

Do one of the following:

  • Change the count quantity and rerun the Stock Quantity Update process.

  • Cancel the counting event line.

Standard Qty fail in a whole # (standard quantity failed to result in a whole number)

The entered count quantity is not in a standard UOM and it is entered as a decimal number. The standard UOM for this item is defined as a whole number on the Units of Measure page. The Stock Quantity Update process tried to convert the decimal count quantity to the standard UOM and it failed to result in a whole number.

Change the count quantity on the Item Count page.

Whole # required for Count Qty(whole number required for count quantity)

The entered count quantity is a decimal number and the count UOM for this item is defined as a whole number on the Units of Measure page.

Change the count quantity to a whole number on the Item Counts page.

Storage Qty fail in a whole # (storage quantity failed to result in a whole number)

The entered count quantity is a decimal number and the count UOM is different from the storage UOM (PHYSICAL_INV.Unit_of_Measure). The storage UOM for this item is defined as a whole number on the Units of Measure page. The Stock Quantity Update process tried to convert the decimal count quantity to a storage UOM quantity and it failed to result in a whole number.

Change the count quantity on the Item Count page.

From/To UOM Rate must be a whole# (from/to unit of measure rate must be a whole number)

When the Stock Quantity Update process converts the count quantity to a different UOM, it must then validate the original quantity by reconverting the updated quantity to the original UOM.

If the reconverted quantity does not equal the original count quantity, you receive this error message.

Change the count quantity on the Item Count page.