Using Tree-Based Stock Information

You can build graphical trees that depict hierarchical relationships among business objects. Trees, based on the use of nodes and leaves, logically group together defined values to represent any business object, such as accounts, projects, items, or item groups.

Graphical trees relate to management reporting. Using the Tree Editor, you can represent and model business objects that serve as reporting criteria in a hierarchical business relationship. You can maintain the tree node and its leaves (detail values) in the graphical tree. Report maintenance is performed in one centralized location.

You can use tree-based criteria to drive management reporting. As part of its demonstration data, PeopleSoft Inventory provides a tree-driven stock inquiry report under the tree name STOCK_AVAILABILITY. Using this tree, you can launch the report INC9305–IN IBU Stocking Query. This report displays the available stock quantity and annual demand for each item within the chosen business unit. This report is written in Oracle BI Publisher using the XMLP report name INX9305.

You can use the STOCK_AVAILABILITY tree as a template to build the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit configuration. For example, if you want to know the on-hand stock quantities for all business units beneath a certain node, you select the tree node and access leaf containing the business unit for which you want availability information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Tree Manager Pager


View nodes and leaves from the defined STOCK_AVAILABILITY tree.

Inv Business Unit Definition Page


View all business units within the tree leaf and access the BUS_UNIT_TREE_INV page.



Launch the Oracle BI Publisher report, INC9305–IN IBU Stocking Query, by clicking the Availability button. This report displays the available stock quantity and annual demand for each item within the chosen business unit.

Use the Tree Manager page (PSTREEMGR) to view nodes and leaves from the defined STOCK_AVAILABILITY tree.


Tree Manager > Tree Manager

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the STOCK_AVAILABILITY tree displayed in the Tree Manager. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

STOCK_AVAILABILITY tree displayed in the Tree Manager

Field or Control


Edit icon

Click the Edit Data button to display the Inv Business Unit Definition page or the BUS_UNIT_TREE_INV page where you can launch the report INC9305–IN IBU Stocking Query to display the available stock quantity and annual demand for each item within the chosen business unit. This report is written in Oracle BI Publisher using the XMLP report name INX9305.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Tree Manager