Common Elements Used in Shortage Workbench

Field or Control


Select by Date

Choose the date to select orders for shipping. Values are:

  • Order Date: Select to process orders based on the order date. Enter a date range in the Date From and Through fields.

    For just one specific date, use the Date From field only.

  • Orders Placed Today: Select to process orders entered in the system today.

  • Schedule Date: Select to process orders based on a the scheduled shipment date defined on the order demand line.

    Enter a date range in the Date From and Through fields.

    For just one specific date, use the Date From field only.

  • Ship Early Date: Select to process orders based on the Earliest Ship Date field of the order demand line.

    Enter a date range in the Date From and Through fields. For just one specific date, use the Date From field only.

Note: If the Verify Ship Date and Verify Ship Time check boxes have been selected on the Setup Fulfillment component, then the system does not allow you to ship until the scheduled shipment date and time on the order are less than or equal to the current date and time. If the Ship Prior to Schedule Date check box is selected on the order, then the earliest ship date and earliest ship time would also be used to determine when shipping was allowed.


Restrict the orders selected for shipment to one of the following sources:

  • IN: Material stock requests created in PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • OM: Sales orders created in PeopleSoft Order Management.

  • PL: Planning requisitions from PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

  • RT: Return to vendor (RTV) stock requests.

Source Unit or Source Bus Unit

Enter the business unit where the order originated.

Order Number and To

Enter the order number or range of order numbers to be shipped. The order can be a sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management or a material stock request from PeopleSoft Inventory, Purchasing, Manufacturing, or Supply Planning. If you enter a range of orders using the Order Number and To fields, then the system processes all orders, sorted in alphanumerical order, that fall between the starting and ending order numbers.

Order Line and Schedule Line

Enter the line number and schedule line number of the order number specified above.

Load ID

Enter to select orders assigned to a single load ID.

Route Group and Route Code

Enter to select orders grouped together for a particular transportation grouping and transportation route for delivery of the order.

Customer ID and Location

Enter to select orders to ship that were entered for a particular customer and customer location.

Carrier ID

Enter to select orders to ship with one carrier.

Ship Via Code

Enter to select orders to ship using one shipping method.

Delivery ID

Enter to select order lines assigned to a single delivery ID. Deliveries are logical groupings of order lines that can be shipped together. PeopleSoft Inventory and Order Management can use these groupings for pricing sales orders, adding freight charges, and packing shipping containers. Each delivery is assigned a unique delivery ID.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Delivery Management and Freight Calculations.

TMS Reference ID and TMS Reference Line

Enter to select orders or a single demand line by the TMS reference ID or line number assigned during the interface to the transportation management system.


Enter a shipping priority code that are assigned to sales orders in PeopleSoft Order Management or to interunit transfers coming from PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Note: PeopleSoft Inventory is delivered by PeopleSoft, such that this field is only relevant for sales orders or interunit transfers created from PeopleSoft Supply Planning. However, the field is always available for entry to support modifications and third-party integration.

Product ID

Enter the product ID from PeopleSoft Order Management.

Parent Product ID

Enter the parent of a product kit from PeopleSoft Order Management.