Common Elements Used in Tracking Material Usage

Field or Control


Consumer ID

The ID of the person for which you want to retrieve report data.

Service ID

The ID associated with a service for which you want to retrieve usage data. For each consumer, there can be several service IDs, each with its own start and end date and time, current location code, and other informational data. By default, this ID is the most current service event for a consumer ID.

Last OprID (last operator ID) and Last User ID

The last person to alter a material usage object.

Start Date/Time

The beginning of a material usage action.

Last Dttm (last date and time)

The last date and time a change was made to a material usage object.

End Date/Time

The ending of a material usage action.

Charge Code

The charge code defined for the item. Charge codes are established on the Charge Codes page under Define Item Controls.

Usage Tracking

The method of usage tracking designated for an item. If this is a par location item, the default value comes from the Define Par Location - Line Details page. If this is not a par location item, the default value comes from the Define Business Unit Item - General: Usage page. If the item is not defined on the business unit level, the default value comes from the Define Item - General: Usage page. The following values are available:

  • Billing: The usage is tracked for consumer billing.

    This method compiles consumer and procedure usage information to bill the consumer directly for items used.

  • Costing: The usage is tracked for cost accounting.

    This method compiles consumer and procedure usage information to set the cost of a procedure accurately. Once the cost is set, the charge for that procedure can be determined. Over time, procedure costs can be monitored to ensure that the procedure price remains competitive and covers actual costs.

  • None: The usage is not tracked.

Quantity Used

Enter the quantity of items used in the material usage event. The default value is 1.