Changing Production ID Statuses

This section discusses how to use the Production Status Change components to release production or change production statuses for production IDs.

Page Name

Definition Name


Production ID Status Change Page


Release or change the production status of a single production ID. If you didn't release production during the creation or maintenance of the production ID, use this page to change the status of a production ID from Entered or Firmed to Released. You can also use this page to change a production ID from In Process to a prior status.

You must define at least one production ID.

Release Production Selection Page


Change the production status and release multiple production IDs and production schedules.

Define at least one production ID or production schedule with a status of Entered or Firmed.

Production Selection Page


Define additional production status change and release criteria.

Dispatch List Selection Page


Generate a dispatch list.

Define at least one production ID or production schedule.

Production Selection - Report Page


Define additional production criteria for the dispatch list.

Print Production Documents Page


Print production documents for selected production IDs.

Define at least one production ID.

Dispatch Inquiry - Selection Page


Select all scheduled tasks for a work center by a particular date or range of dates that you'd like to view.

Production IDs must have a production status of either Released or In Process.

Dispatch Inquiry - Results Page


Display the requested dispatch list information.

Use the Production ID Status Change page (SF_PRDN_STATUS_MA) to release or change the production status of a single production ID.

If you didn't release production during the creation or maintenance of the production ID, use this page to change the status of a production ID from Entered or Firmed to Released. You can also use this page to change a production ID from In Process to a prior status.


Production Control > Process Production > Release Production > Change Production ID Status

Production ID Details

When no revision is specified, the system uses either the start or due date (based on the BOM explosion date option in the Manufacturing definition page) of the production for determining the bill of material used for producing the item.

To release production, change the Production Status from Entered or Firmed to Released.

Click the Save button to run the release process.

Note: You cannot change rework or teardown production IDs back to the Entered status.

Click the Save button to run the production status change process.

If you have reversed all transactions for an In Process production ID, you can change it to a prior status such as Entered, Firmed, or Released. If you change the status back to Firmed or Released, no changes to the operation or component list are made.

You can also set the production ID's status back to Entered from Released. In this instance, the system deletes the production ID's component list and operation list. If you set the status to Firmed, the system doesn't delete the component list and operation list, but it updates the status.

If you change the status of a released production ID and you integrate with a third-party MES, PeopleSoft Manufacturing uses the Production Order Update EIP to publish a message to the MES with the transaction information. The MES then subscribes to that message and updates the MES information.