Issuing Material Using Electronic Data Collection

PeopleSoft Manufacturing enables you to use both the picking plan and the kit issues and returns processes with an electronic data collection system. You can access electronic data collection transactions through the SCM Integrations navigation, and you can process them using electronic data collection hardware.

When you save an electronic data collection transaction page, the page clears so that you can enter another transaction immediately. The transaction is saved in the transaction log until it is processed by background processes that continually scan the transaction log. Only selected pieces of information have edits to verify the data that is entered with electronic data collection transaction pages. The background processes validate all information before any updates are performed.

PeopleSoft Manufacturing provides the Production Picking EIP (PRODUCTION_PICKING) to import picking information from third-party systems.

Page Name

Definition Name


Production Picking Page


Import picking information from third-party systems by using the Production Picking EIP.