Processing Component De-Kits

If you need to return a complete kit to stock or reverse all kit transactions for a production ID, use the Component De-Kit component.

Note: You cannot de-kit production IDs if completions, scrap, or actual labor times have been recorded.

Note: If you are de-kitting a production ID that is traced by serial genealogy, the components associated with the production ID are automatically disassociated during the de-kit process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Component De-Kit Selection Page


Return a complete kit to stock, or to reverse all kit transactions for a production ID.

You can only de-kit a production ID with an In Process production status.

Use the Component De-Kit Selection page (RUN_SFS6003 ) to return a complete kit to stock, or to reverse all kit transactions for a production ID.


Production Control > Process Production > Issue Materials > De-Kit Components

Field or Control


Return to Location and Default Putaway Location

The defaults for these fields appear. The components are returned to their default putaway location if one has been previously defined.

If you want to return the kit to a specific location, the location fields become available. If you're returning both owned and non-owned inventory (including consigned items), you must specify a owned components location as well as a non-owned components location. When a specific location is selected, all components are returned to the location specified. Consigned items are returned to an owned location.

If you're returning lot or serial-controlled, consigned kit issue components, you can select only the component's owned WIP storage locations.

Note: All components with item status of Hold can be returned to inventory.

Directed Putaway

Select this option if you're using directed putaway to select a location.

Storage Area

The system displays the number of storage levels, such as Aisle Level 1 Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 that have been defined for each storage area.


Click to run this request. Process Scheduler runs the Component De-kit process (SFS6003) at user-defined intervals.

Once the process runs, the production ID's status is changed back to Released as long as no other components have been issued with issue methods of issue or replenish.

Capacity Checking and De-Kitting Components

If capacity checking is activated, the system updates the location's capacity balances when de-kitting components.

For kit returns, if you designate a storage location as storing only one item on the Volume/Weight Capacity page (accessible from the Material Storage Locations page), the system only puts away material with that item ID in the location. If you do not specify an item ID for a single-item storage location, the first putaway transaction to the empty storage location defines the only item ID that the location can contain until the item quantity has been fully depleted. If the storage location is flagged as storing one item, the system prevents you from returning a different item to that location.