Processing Kit Issues and Returns

Use the Issue/Return Kit Components page to issue additional material to a production ID or return excess material back to stock. When processing kit issues and returns, you can only select production where at least one component from the component list has an issue method of kit.

You can only process kit issues and returns for production with Released, In Process, or Pending Complete statuses. If the production ID is in the Released status and you issue material using this page, the status is updated to In Process. You cannot return a component that is not included on the component list, but you can issue different components by adding a row. You cannot return more than was issued for the component nor can you do a miscellaneous issue or return of an expensed item.

Capacity Checking and Processing Kit Issues and Returns

For kit returns, if you designate a storage location as storing only one item on the Volume/Weight Capacity page (accessible from the Material Storage Locations page), the system only puts away material with that item ID in the location. If you do not specify an item ID for a single-item storage location, the first putaway transaction to the empty storage location defines the only item ID that the location can contain until the item quantity has been fully depleted. If the storage location is flagged as storing one item, the system prevents you from returning a different item to that location. If the WIP location is flagged as storing one item, the system prevents you from issuing a different item to that location.

Page Name

Definition Name


Kit Issue/Return Summary Page


Issue additional kit components to production and return excess or defective components back to stock.

You must define a production ID with at least one component using the kit issue method.

Kit Issue/Return Location Page


Indicate where you want to return kit components.

Kit Issue/Return Detail Page


Edit additional kit components details.

Directed Putaway Locations Page


(Optional) Use directed putaway rules for the component that you're returning to inventory.

If directed putaway is not activated on the Putaway Rules page in PeopleSoft Inventory, the Directed Putaway link is unavailable.

Lot/Serial Number Selection Page


Indicate the lot ID and serial numbers of the components to be issued or returned.

Issue/Return Kit Components Page


Edit or view detailed information for each component on the component list.

Field or Control


Prdn Start Qty (production start quantity)

The quantity required at the beginning of the operation sequence or production process. This quantity is rounded up to account for any operation yield.

Prdn End Qty (production end quantity)

The quantity expected at the end of the operation sequence or production process. This quantity is rounded down to account for any operation yield.

Use the Kit Issue/Return Summary page (SF_KIT_ISSUE_HDR) to issue additional kit components to production and return excess or defective components back to stock.


Production Control > Process Production > Issue Materials > Issue/Return Kit Components > Kit Issue/Return Summary

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Kit Issue/Return Summary page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Kit Issue/Return Summary page

Field or Control


Print at Save

Select to print production documents for a particular production ID at save time.

Setup Print Options

Click to access the Process/Output Options page to select different print criteria for the production documents.

Issue/Return Location Button

Click the Issue/Return Location button to access the Issue/Return Location page to select a specific location to which you want to return the kit components.

Detail Button

Click the Detail button to access the Kit/Issue Return Detail page to view additional component details.

Component ID

Displays all components used to manufacture the end item that are issued to production using the Kit method. Each component ID is a valid item ID for the business unit.

For regular production, the system displays the components in effect for the end item at the due date of production or for the item revision if one is specified. For rework production, the end item is the only component listed unless the item has a rework BOM or you have previously maintained the component list and added those components necessary to rework the end item. Teardown production is similar to rework in that the end item to be torn down is the only component listed unless you included additional material on the component list.

You can change any component to a different item ID, or add a new component or substitute. You cannot change the component ID or operation sequence that it is associated with after any quantity has been issued.

For all production types, when adding a new component with item status of Discontinue, you receive a warning message. For regular production, you receive a warning message when adding a component with item status of Hold. In both cases, receiving the warning message does not prevent you from performing the action. For rework and teardown, components with item status of Hold are issued.

For regular production, you cannot add the end item as a component. For rework production, you cannot delete the reworked end item from its component list. For teardown production, you cannot delete the end item to be torn down from its component list. Duplicate components can exist as long as the operation sequence is unique.

Note: Consigned kit components can be issued from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations. However, consigned kit components are returned to owned WIP locations only.

Item Search Button

Click the Item Search button to access one of these pages.

  • Item Search: To search for the item ID using various search criteria.

  • Item Availability: To determine whether the item you want to use is available.

  • Item Substitution: To display substitutes.

Pending Issue Quantity

Enter the additional amount to be issued for each component as a pending issue quantity. If you've added a new component, enter the amount of the new component that will be issued. If you're returning components, enter the amount as a negative quantity. The system allows only quantities up to the component list issue quantity to be returned. You cannot process returns for components that do not exist on the component list.

Pending Yield Loss Quantity

If a certain number of the components were lost either during the issue process or during production, enter that amount in the pending yield loss quantity.

Note: If you have enabled PeopleSoft Workflow, the system uses the Replenishment Notification workflow to notify the production supervisor (or other defined role) that there is a non-zero quantity in the pending issue field of a component.

Adding Components

You can add components to a component list.

To add components to the component list:

  1. Click the Add button and select the component ID.

  2. Select the operation sequence at which the component is used, and indicate whether the component quantity is per assembly or per order.

    The operation sequence is 0 by default. Change the operation to indicate where the component is used.

  3. Enter the pending issue quantity and any pending yield loss quantity.

    Note: For teardown and rework production, the system suggests that you issue the end item to be torn down or reworked from a non-nettable location, but you can issue from any location.

  4. Click Save to save the changes.

Use the Kit Issue/Return Location page (SF_KIT_ISSUE_EXPR) to indicate where you want to return kit components.


Production Control > Process Production > Issue Materials > Issue/Return Kit Components > Kit Issue/Return Location

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Kit Issue/Return Location page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Kit Issue/Return Location page

Field or Control


Issue Qty Total (issue quantity total)

Displays the total quantity to be issued.


Indicates if the component is either non-owned or consigned. You can issue additional configured, kit components from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations.

Storage Area

Select a value to indicate the storage area.

Storage Location Search Button

Click the Storage Location Search button to select a different storage location.

If you're returning a component to inventory and you do not want to use the default putaway location, you can use directed putaway to determine the component's putaway location. The system suggests putaway locations that meet the predefined rules for directed putaway. For example, you might want to put away items in zones or based on available space or weight constraints. You can override the system-suggested storage location if necessary.

Note: Consigned kit components must be returned to owned storage locations.

Container ID

Specify the container if you want to move the quantity to or from a container. If a container is specified and the container exists in a storage area, the system displays the storage location for the container. If the container doesn't exist in a location or if a container is not specified, enter the storage area from which the components are issued or to which they will be returned.


Enter the issue or return quantity. If you're returning components, enter the quantity to be returned as a negative number. To issue components, enter the quantity to be issued as a positive number.

Selecting Directed Putaway Locations

Click the Directed Putaway link on the Kit Issue/Return location page to use directed putaway rules for the component that you're returning to inventory.

Note: If directed putaway is not activated on the Putaway Rules page in PeopleSoft Inventory, the Directed Putaway link is unavailable.

If more than one option meets the putaway rules, the system displays all options. Use the check boxes to select a location. The system suggests a storage area, including storage levels such as Aisle Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4, that have been defined.

You also indicate the putaway rule, whether or not to mix stage dates or lots, and whether or not it's the default rule on the Putaway Rules page.

Capacity Checking and Directed Putaway

For kit returns, if you designate a storage location as storing only one item on the Volume/Weight Capacity page (accessible from the Material Storage Locations page), the system only puts away material with that item ID in the location. If you do not specify an item ID for a single-item storage location, the first putaway transaction to the empty storage location defines the only item ID that the location can contain until the item quantity has been fully depleted. If the storage location is flagged as storing one item, the system prevents you from returning a different item to that location.

Use the Issue/Return Kit Components page (SF_KIT_ISSUE_DET ) to edit or view detailed information for each component on the component list.


Production Control > Process Production > Issue Materials > Issue/Return Kit Components > Kit Issue/Return Detail

Field or Control


Serial IDs

If you are issuing additional serial-controlled components, this page displays the serial numbers of the components in the storage location. If you're returning components, the page displays the serial IDs that were already issued to the production ID.

If you are returning components on a production ID that has the Serial in Production option selected but the components are not serial-controlled, you must select a serial ID when prompted. The system disassociates the component from the assembly serial ID when you save the page.

If you are returning components on a rework or teardown production ID that has the Serial in Production option selected, you must select a serial ID when prompted. The system disassociates the component from the assembly serial ID when you save the page.

Sel (select)

Select the serial-numbered components that you want to issue or return by selecting one or more check boxes.

If you're issuing additional serial-controlled, consigned kit issue components, you can pick from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations.

If you're returning serial controlled, consigned kit issue components, you can only select the component's owned WIP storage locations.

Lot ID

The component's lot number indicates if the item is both serial- and lot-controlled. Otherwise, the default value is NONE.

Issue Quantity

Indicates the display-only issue quantity for serial-controlled items. It should always be 1.0000 for items with serial numbers.


Click to accept the selections and to return to the Kit Issue/Return Location page. The lot and serial numbers that you selected appear on the Kit Issue/Return Location page.

Use the Lot/Serial Number Selection page (SF_SERIAL_WRK) to indicate the lot ID and serial numbers of the components to be issued or returned.


Production Control > Process Production > Issue Materials > Issue/Return Kit Components > Kit Issue/Return Location

Click the Select Lot/Serial link.

Field or Control


Lot ID

If you're issuing components, this page displays the lot associated with the storage location. If you're returning components, the page displays the lot IDs for the components that were already issued to the production ID.

If you're issuing additional lot-controlled, consigned kit issue components, you can pick from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations.

If you're returning lot- controlled, consigned kit issue components, you can only select the component's owned WIP storage locations.

If an assembly item's Serial in Prdn option is selected and you are returning a lot-controlled component, the system disassociates the lot component from the assembly serial ID when you save the page.

Issue Quantity

Specify the quantity of components that you want to issue or return from each lot.


Click to accept the selections and to return to the Kit Issue/Return Location page. The lot and serial numbers that you selected appear on the Kit Issue/Return Location page.

Use the Kit Issue/Return Detail page (SF_KIT_ISSUE_DET) to edit additional kit components details.


Production Control > Process Production > Issue Materials > Issue/Return Kit Components > Kit Issue/Return Detail

Field or Control


Pending Issue Qty (pending issue quantity) and Pending Yield Loss Qty (pending yield loss quantity)

Although these values appear by default from the Kit Issue/Return Summary page, you can change the quantities here.

Issue Qty (issue quantity)

Displays the quantity issued from the storage location and charged to work in process.

Yield Loss Qty (yield loss quantity)

Displays the component quantity that was scrapped during end item completion or lost during the issuing process.

Note: If you're issuing additional material and the storage location doesn't have sufficient unreserved quantity but the business unit is set up to allow negative quantity and to notify you when it is driven negative, the system will display a warning. If you continue, the location's quantity on hand is decremented and the issue quantity for the component is updated when you save the page.