Setting Up Items to be Traced by Serial Genealogy

This section outlines the steps necessary to use serial genealogy:

  1. Define and approve the item that will use serial genealogy using the Define Items - Inventory: Tracking Description page.

    Set the appropriate serial tracking options.

  2. Create a BOM and add the serial genealogy item using the Maintain BOMs and Revisions - Manufacturing BOMs: Summary page.

  3. Create a production ID for the item to be produced using the Production ID Maintenance page.

  4. Issue material to production using the various material issue processes.

  5. Associate the serial ID to the assembly using the Assembly Serial page.

  6. Associate the component serial ID or lot ID to the assembly using the Component Serial page.

    Review the association by accessing the Genealogy Search (review) page.

    Use the Maintain Serial Genealogy component to maintain or associate additional serial IDs.

  7. Complete production using the Record Completions and Scrap component.

Note: You can associate a serial ID to an assembly at any time during the manufacturing process.

Serial ID Tracking Control

PeopleSoft Manufacturing enables you to track serial IDs by providing various options to determine the exact amount of control that you need.

Serial control indicates that you want to track the serial ID for each material movement transaction:

  • Ship Serial: Indicates that you want to track the serial ID when you ship an item.

  • Serial in Production: Indicates if you want to trace the genealogy of the assembly item during production.

  • Trace Usage: Indicates if you want to trace the component as it is used in a specific serial assembly.

The combination of these options determines the level of serial control.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Item: Inventory - Tracking Description Page


Set serial genealogy options to enable genealogy tracing.

Use the Define Item: Inventory - Tracking Description page (INV_ITEMS_DEFIN2) to set serial genealogy options to enable genealogy tracing.


Items > Define Items and Attributes > Define Item > Inventory > Tracking Description

Item Tracking

Field or Control


Serial in Production

Select this option if you want to track the key serial and lot components that make up this assembly item. You will assign a serial ID to the item during the manufacturing process. You will also identify serial and lot components that are used to produce this item.

This field can be used with and without the serial control option. If you do select serial control, then you will enter the serial ID for all material movement transactions. If you do not select the serial control option, then the system tracks the serial ID during the production process. This means that you assign a serial ID to the item during production and associate serial and lot components to this serial assembly. During completions you'll complete the serial ID to inventory.

Note: Typically, if you select Serial in Production, either Serial Control or Ship Serial will also be enabled. If you select serial in production and not serial control, during subsequent inventory movements of this item, you will not need to enter the serial ID.

Trace Usage

This option is used for component items and enables associating the component's serial or lot ID with a higher-level assembly item whose serial in production option is selected. Values include:

  • Serial: Select to enable this component's serial ID to be tracked in a higher level assembly whose Serial in Production option has been selected.

    If the component's Lot Control option has been selected, then both the serial ID and Lot ID will be tracked.

  • Lot: Select to enable this component's lot ID to be tracked in a higher level assembly whose serial in production option is Yes.

    To select the trace usage option of Lot, the item's lot control option must be selected.

  • None: Select if you do not want to track this item.

Similar to serial in production, trace usage can be used in conjunction with the Serial Control option. If Serial Control option is selected, then the serial ID will be identified in inventory, and this serial ID remains with the item throughout the entire manufacturing process. If serial control is not selected, then the serial ID will not be identified in inventory but a serial ID will be specified when the item is associated with a serial assembly. This allows tracking the genealogy without requiring the need to track the serial ID in inventory.

Note: Typically, if you select the trace usage option of Serial or Lot, the assembly items that this item is used on is set to Serial in Production.

Note: If you change any of these values, it will have an effect on new production. Any existing production will retain the serial in production value at the time that the production ID was created. Components will retain the values at the time the component list is created.