Understanding Production Calendars

Before starting production, you must define, at a minimum, the hours of operation for a five-day work week that can be used when production runs for one shift, Monday through Friday. If your enterprise works multiple shifts, or if you want the planning and scheduling functions to consider holidays, weekends, or planned downtime, you must create a production calendar. If all work centers and resources are available during the same working hours, you must define only one calendar.

However, if different work centers have different hours of operation, you can optionally define alternate calendars to accommodate these exceptions. Create production and alternate calendars by first defining a calendar code and then defining the hours of operation for that calendar code. Tie these calendar codes to a business unit, work centers, and resources to define when your enterprise is available for production. You can assign one calendar code to multiple resources and work centers, for example, when two work centers share the same hours of operation.

Note: Before establishing production calendars, define the PeopleSoft Inventory and Manufacturing business units.