Understanding the Process of Recording Completions and Scrap Using Electronic Data Collection

You can record completions and scrap for the production using electronic data collection.

You can access the electronic data collection transaction pages through the SCM Integrations navigation as well as processing them using electronic data collection hardware. When you save an electronic data collection transaction page, the page clears so that you can enter another transaction immediately. The transaction is saved in the transaction log until it is processed by background processes that can be set up to continually scan the transaction log.

The background processes validate all information before any updates are performed. However, when you enter the transactions through the data collection pages, the system verifies the data you have entered in selected fields.

PeopleSoft Manufacturing provides the Production Completions (PRODUCTION_ORDER_COMPLETION) EIP to enable you to import completions and scrap data for the production using electronic data collection.

Note: To correct errors, you must use the online completions pages to enter negative completions and reverse the completions transactions.

Capacity Checking

You activate weight and volume capacity checking on the PeopleSoft Inventory Options page, and define the capacity for each storage location on the Volume/Weight Capacity page, which you can access from the Material Storage Locations page.

If the item is designated as an isolate item on the Inventory-Shipping/Handling page in the Define Business Unit Item component, you can only put it away or transfer it to empty storage locations or to locations containing stock with the same item ID. The system prevents you from putting away an isolate item to a location with other items.

If you designate a storage location as storing only one item on the Volume/Weight Capacity page, the system only puts away material with that item ID in the location. If you do not specify an item ID for a single-item storage location, the first putaway transaction to the empty storage location defines the only item ID that the location can contain until the item quantity has been fully depleted.