Using Production Options with Other PeopleSoft Applications

You define production options in PeopleSoft Manufacturing, but they also are present in PeopleSoft Supply Planning and PeopleSoft Cost Management. While the specifics of these impacts are discussed in the respective pieces of application documentation, this is a high-level discussion of the cross-product use of production options.

This section discusses how to:

  • Use production options with PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

  • Use production options with PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

The Production Option Control check box (set at the item and business unit level on the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing: General page) determines how production options (formerly build options) are created in PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

There are two production option control options:

  • Use Prdn Option Maintenance (production option maintenance).

  • Use BOM/Routing Defaults.

Use Production Option Maintenance Setting

There are two different settings for the Production Option Control flag. If you select Use Prdn Option Maintenance, you can define specific BOM and routing combinations with effective dates assigned to each combination. You make these definitions with the Production Option Maintenance pages. All BOM and routing combinations with the Incl Plan (include in planning) check box are visible to PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Use BOM and Routing Defaults Setting

If you select Use BOM/Rtg Defaults as the production option, you cannot define and maintain specific effective BOM and routing combinations, but you can still limit the number of production options created in PeopleSoft Supply Planning. For example, suppose that you have BOM codes 1, 2, and 3 and routing codes 1 and 2, then there are potentially six production options that can be created in PeopleSoft Supply Planning, if there is no way to limit that number. However, you can limit that number by using the BOM Code and Routing Code fields on the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing: General page. For example, if you select one specific BOM code and one specific routing code, then only one combination is extracted by PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Other Production Option Planning Information

Regardless of the setting, it's possible to view the PeopleSoft Supply Planning production options before running PeopleSoft Supply Planning by using the Item Planning Inquiry.

It's also possible to cost production options using the Production Option Costing Utility, so that an accurate build cost is sent to PeopleSoft Supply Planning for each production option. This utility effectively rolls up the costs for all production options in the range of items selected. Both the batch cost (total cost) and the unit cost can be viewed through the Item Planning Inquiry.

Using the sourcing template function, you can prioritize the production, transfer, and purchase options for an item and business unit, so that you have full control over how PeopleSoft Supply Planning creates new supply for the item.

Since PeopleSoft Supply Planning has visibility into the effective dates defined against the production option, the PeopleSoft Supply Planning application recommends new planned production orders based on the current, effective BOM and routing combinations.

This section discusses how the manufacturing process uses production options.

Production ID Maintenance

If you select Use Prdn Option Maintenance for an item on the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing: General page, then any production options that you have predefined are available for selection in production ID maintenance. In addition, if the Valid Production Only check box is selected, only those BOM and routing combinations that have been set up in production option maintenance can be selected. If the check box is deselected, then any combination of BOM and routing codes can be entered for the item. The BOM and routing fields automatically change to the current BOM and routing combination that is effective for that item in the selected production area.

Production Schedule Maintenance

The item, production area, and the due date for each production schedule determine which BOM and routing combination is assigned to that schedule.

Although different BOM and routing combinations can be assigned to the same production area and item, there can be only one combination in effect at any one time. The due date of the schedule determines which BOM and routing combination is selected for that production schedule.

When completing against a production schedule, the BOM and routing effective date on the Record Completions/Scrap page determines the particular BOM and routing to be used for the production schedule. The BOM and routing effective date automatically changes to the current system date, and this field determines which combinations will be selected and appear in the BOM Code and Routing Code fields. For non-revision controlled items, this date is used to decide which BOM and routing combination will be used. A second effective date is used for the components and outputs. If the item is revision-controlled, then both the revision code and BOM and routing effective date must be selected. The revision code determines the components and outputs in effect for this revision, and the BOM and routing effective date determines the BOM and routing combination to use.