Using the Issue Method

Use this method to issue components for a defined period of production. When using the issue method, you generate a picking plan that specifies certain parameters for picking components. For example, you might have the system to recommend the location from which to pick the components, or you might want to view all locations and then select one. You can also specify that you want to pick enough components to cover production for a certain number of days, for a date range, or for current production.

Once you define how you want to pick the material, you use picking plans to translate requested stock into material picking instructions for stockroom processing. After the material has been pulled and the picking plan is confirmed, the system decrements the picked quantities from the quantity available at the stockroom location.

When choosing the material to pick, the system uses the existing on-hand inventory quantity in the WIP location. This logic includes all component requirements for the specified time frame and nets that against the existing quantity in the WIP location as well as all pending pick plans ready to release. The logic also takes into account any operation yield. This ensures that excess material in the WIP location is always used before additional material is issued. In addition, PeopleSoft Manufacturing includes all production from the beginning time, taking into account all previous material shortages.

Note: Quantities of an item that are stored in a nettable, available WIP location and reserved for production use are not available for other purposes.

With this method, you can set a minimum quantity for the item in a specific WIP location. This enables you to maintain a buffer or a safety stock in the location to ensure sufficient quantity on hand is always available.

If you display substitutions on the pick plan, the process verifies that sufficient quantity on hand exists to pick the full issue quantity. If not, all effective substitute items with available quantities are listed, along with their locations. The substitute items listed are based on the list of substitutes defined in the business unit's item attributes for the original component.