Verifying BOMs

If BOMs are poorly designed, they can contain unwanted loops. A looping BOM occurs when an assembly has itself as a component of one of its subassemblies. To locate these loops in product structures, run BOM verification regularly. You can also use online BOM verification to check for looping BOMs. You set this option at the manufacturing business unit level by using the MFG Business Unit Options page. However, to improve BOM maintenance performance when BOMs are complex and deep, use the scheduled verification process and set online BOM verification to Never Verify Online.

Page Name

Definition Name


BOM Verification Page


Locate unwanted loops in BOMs.

Delete BOM Verification Rows Page


Delete records created by the BOM verification request.

Use the BOM Verification page (EN_BOM_VERIFY_REQ) to locate unwanted loops in BOMs.


Manufacturing Definitions > BOMs and Revisions > Identify Looping BOMs > BOM Looping Verification > BOM Verification

Field or Control


All Dates/Revs (all dates and revisions)

Select to verify all dates and revisions of the BOM.

BOM Code

Enter the priority code of the BOM that you want to verify.


Enter a value to specify how many levels to verify.

Delete Rows, If No Errors

Select to delete unnecessary BOM explosion table records. The verification request process adds a series of records to the BOM Explosion table. These records take up space and are of no use if there are no looping BOMs.

You can also use the Delete BOM Verification Rows page to save space.

The BOM Verification process (ENPBEXPV) checks only the primary BOM and routing when exploding at levels greater than 1. If there is more than one way to make a particular co-product output, you need to specify which BOM is the primary way to make the co-product. This indicates to the system which BOM to verify for the co-product.

By selecting an associated primary BOM on the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing: General page, you designate which BOM to verify.

The BOM Verification process takes both co-products and multiple BOM codes into account when checking if loops exist.


Click to run the request. Process Scheduler runs the BOM Verification process at user-defined intervals.

You receive a message only if the system finds a looping BOM.

View the results of the BOM Verification process by using the BOM Verification Status page.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Process Scheduler

Use the Delete BOM Verification Rows page (EN_BOM_VERIF_DEL) to delete records created by the BOM verification request.


Manufacturing Definitions > BOMs and Revisions > Identify Looping BOMs > Delete BOM Verification Details > Delete BOM Verification Rows

The BOM Verification process adds a series of records to the BOM Explosion table. These records take up space and are not used if there are no looping BOMs.

Field or Control


Unit and Process Instance

Select values to delete BOM Explosion table records. If you want to view all records for the business unit, leave the Process Instance field blank.


Click to retrieve the selected records.


Select to indicate which records to delete.


Click to delete the selected records.

Note: You can also use the Delete? Rows, If No Errors field on the BOM Verification Request page to delete these records.