Common Elements Used in Operation Lists

Field or Control


Production Area

Area where the item is being manufactured.

Item and Description

Name and description of the item being manufactured.

Config Code (configuration code)

Unique identifier for costing and inventory tracking purposes. The configuration code appears if the end item is a configured item.

Production Status

Current status of the production.

Prdn ID (production ID)

Production order identifier.

Sch Method (scheduling method)

Scheduling method used to manufacture the item. Values are Forward and Backward.

Prdn Type (production type)

Type of production being manufactured. Values are Production, Rework, and Teardown.

Prdn Start Qty (production start quantity)

The quantity required at the beginning of the production process. This quantity will be inflated to account for any operation yield if the system calculates the beginning production quantity.

Prdn End Qty (production end quantity)

The quantity expected at the end of the production process. This quantity will be rounded down to account for any operation yield if the system calculates the ending production quantity.

Source Cd (source code)

Code indicates if the production is Make or Buy.

Routing Code

Routing code associated with the selected production.

Rtg Item (routing item)

Item on which the referenced item's routing is based.


Indicates if the production is frozen by PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Op Seq (operation sequence)

Operation step where the process occurs.

Work Center

Work center location where the operation step and tasks are performed.

Operation Start Date

Date the operation step is or was due to begin.

Start Time

Time the operation step is or was due to begin.

Operation Due Date

Date the operation step is or was due to be completed.

Due Time

Time the operation step is or was due to be completed.

Calculate Yield and Reschedule

If you change the work center, task, operation sequence, or one or more operation type or time, click this link to update the schedule.