Common Elements Used in Production

Field or Control


Production ID

The production order identifier.

Production Status

Current status of the production.

Production Area

Area where the end item is generated.


The end item being manufactured.

Production Type

Type of production being manufactured. Values are Production, Rework, and Teardown.

Prdn Start Date/Shift (production start date/shift)

Actual production start date and shift that production is or was to begin for the production schedule.

Prdn Due Date/Shift (production due date/shift)

Actual production due date and time that production is or was to be completed for the production schedule.

Start Date/Time and Due Date/Time

Actual production start date and time and due date and time for the production ID.

Production Qty (production quantity)

Quantity of end item to be manufactured.

BOM and Routing codes

Codes that designate the BOM and routing used to manufacture the end item.

Rtg Itm (routing item)

The routing that the end item uses. The end item can use its own routing or the routing designated for its family or item group.

Config Code (configuration code)

Code that is displayed if the end item is configured. This code is used with production IDs only.


If the item is revision controlled, the code that determines which BOM is used when producing the item.