Common Elements Used in Recording Completions and Scrap Using Electronic Data Collection

Field or Control


Completed Qty (completed quantity)

Enter the number of completed end items in this field.

Scrap Qty (scrapped quantity) and Scrap Pct (scrapped percentage)

Enter values for these fields.

Reason Code

Enter a value. This field is required if you entered a scrap quantity.

Distrib. Type (distribution type)

(Optional) Select the account to which you want to charge the scrap.

Lot ID

Select a value if the end item is lot-controlled.

Load Serial Rows

If the end item is serial-controlled or being tracked by serial genealogy (serial in production), enter a completed quantity and click this button. The system then creates as many Serial ID fields as the completed quantity, and you can enter the serial IDs for each completed item. The quantity completed and quantity scrapped must be whole numbers for serial-controlled items.