Viewing Delivery History

This topic discusses how to view delivery history.

Page Name

Definition Name


Delivery Detail Page


Review delivery information for a receipt.

Life Cycle Inquiry Page


View the life cycle of a delivery.

Delivery Location Page


Review and maintain delivery information.

Use the Delivery Detail page (RECV_DEL_INQ_DTL) to review delivery information for a receipt.


Purchasing > Receipts > Review Receipt Information > Delivery Inquiry.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Delivery Detail page.

Delivery Detail page

See Delivery Detail Page.

Use the Life Cycle Inquiry page (RECV_DEL_INQ_CYCLE) to view the life cycle of a delivery.


Purchasing > Receipts > Review Receipt Information > Delivery Inquiry. From the Delivery Detail page > click the Delivery Life Cycle link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Life Cycle Inquiry: Delivery Details page.

Life Cycle Inquiry: Delivery Details page

Use the Delivery Location page (RECV_DELIVERY1) to review and maintain delivery information.


Purchasing > Receipts > Maintain Delivery Information

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Delivery Location page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Delivery Location page

Field or Control



If this check box is cleared, the system clears the Delivery Signature fields as well as other delivered fields.

See Accessing Delivery Information.