Maintaining Additional Buying Agreement Information

This topic provides information about entering or modifying additional information for the options available under the Header menu section of the Buying Agreements form.

Page Name

Definition Name


Header Additional Information Page


Enter information about buying agreements, negotiators, contacts, and record reason codes for changes to the buying agreement.

Header Attachments Page


Attach various media to a buying agreement at the header level.

Buying Agreement Usage Page


Review sales order buying agreement lines by line, order, or product.

Buying Agreement Form Page

Header Competitors Page


Enter information about the competition for a buying agreement.

Buying Agreement Form Page

Customer Conversations Page


View or add conversations about or with a customer.

Buying Agreement Form Page

Line Summary Page


Review buying agreement line information.

Buying Agreement Form Page

Header Notes Page


Add notes to the header buying agreement.

Header Terms Page


Define payment and shipping options.

Use the Header Additional Information page (SCON_HDR2) to enter information about buying agreements, negotiators, contacts, and record reason codes for changes to the buying agreement.


Select Additional Info in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Field or Control


Contact Sequence Number

The primary contact that is established for the sold to customer on the Contact Customer page in the Maintain Contact menu.

Product Source

Select type of product ID for the buying agreement to identify the ordering product preference for the sold to customer. Options are: Customer, System, UPC, or Universal.

Team Member

Enter any number of people who are responsible for negotiating the buying agreement. Associate team members with a buying agreement ID in order to populate the Buying Agreement Renewal letter and the Buying Agreement Status report. You can also define a workflow to route buying agreement renewal notices to those individuals.

Reason Code

Enter a reason code if you make any changes to the buying agreement or if you change the status of the buying agreement to Hold. The description of the reason code appears. Reason codes with a reason type of sales buying agreement must already be defined in the Establish Order Processing menu.

Use the Header Attachments page (SCON_HDR_ATT) to attach various media to a buying agreement at the header level.


Select Attachments in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Field or Control



Click this button to browse for and add an attachment.


After you upload an attachment, click this button to view it.

Attached File

After you upload an attachment, its name appears here.

Attachment Type

Enter the file type and add a description of the multimedia item that you are attaching.

Note: Attachment type is not a file extension, but a categorization of the attachment defined through system configuration on the Attachment Types page.

Use the Header Notes page (SCON_HDR_NOTE) to add notes to the header buying agreement.


Select Notes in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Field or Control



Determines the order in which notes are printed on the selected documents.


Select a value:

Standard: Assigns a standard note. For this value, select a standard note code. Standard notes are created on the Common Definitions Standard Notes page.

Custom: Creates a custom note. For this value, select a note type, and then enter the custom note in the text field.

Use Predefined Standard Note

Select this option to use a predefined note for your customer note.

Note Code

Enter the note code for this note. If you are using predefined standard notes, select the standard note to assign to this page or type in the note code. The note type, note text, key words, and print on documents are displayed.

Note Type

For custom notes, select the note type.

Documents To Print The Note On

For custom notes, select Buying Agreement Renewal or Buying Agreement Status.

Use the Header Terms page (SCON_HDR_TRMS) to define payment and shipping options.


Select Terms in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Field or Control


Use Preferred Freight Carrier

If a carrier is entered for the buying agreement terms, this field indicates whether the carrier has been designated for freight purposes.

See Setting Up Basic Information for Freight Charges.

Deliveries Restricted to Order

Indicates whether more than one sales order can be assigned to the same delivery.

See Understanding the Delivery Management Setup Steps.