Preparing Nonstock Products for Billing

This topic provides an overview, common elements, and discusses how to process nonstock products for billing.

Page Name

Definition Name


Mark Lines For Billing process Page


Establish the process parameters to automatically insert order schedule lines into the PeopleSoft Inventory shipping history staging table (IN_DEMAND) for non-stock and direct-shipped order schedules, insert costing data to CM_CST_NSSHIP, and set the status for non-stock products to Ready for Invoicing. For direct-shipped schedules, you can include matched lines only, when there is a matching payables invoice for the purchasing receipt.

This process is for all non-stock products and direct ships.

Mark Lines for Billing Page


Manually record shipment history for all non-stock products, product kit components and configured kit components.

Because non-stock products are not shipped, the system builds shipment history for nonstock products when they are marked for billing.

When an order is saved or Populate Demand (OM_DEMAND) is run, non-stock products and products that are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer, will be inserted as IN_FULFILL_STATE = '10' (Pending) in IN_DEMAND. When Mark Lines for Billing is run, the status in IN_DEMAND will be updated to '70' (Depleted).

A row will be inserted into IN_DEMAND_ADDR with the correct ship to address for the order schedule. If an override exists, that address will be used and the IN_DEMAND.ADDR_OVRD_LEVEL will be set to 'D'. If the quantity is less then the quantity scheduled, a new pending row will be inserted into IN_DEMAND representing the difference between the quantity shipped and the quantity scheduled.

Note: You cannot Mark Lines for Billing if an active hold exists for the schedule and the pass to billing flag for that hold type on the order management business unit definition is turned off.

Note: Sales orders that PeopleSoft Contracts generates that have non-stocked or direct-shipped order schedules must also run any of the options to mark lines for billing to create the shipping history and costing data for Order Management and Inventory. Only non-stock products that are type General Use Including Contracts or General Use Excluding Contracts are processed through Mark Lines for Billing.

The Populate Billing process handles billing for products and product kits differently:

  • Products for shipment history are selected, even if the scheduled quantity is only partially shipped.

    For example, if 10 workstations are scheduled and four are shipped today, then four are billable today. If six more ship next week, then they are billable when shipped. In other words, products can be billed even if the order line quantity is partially shipped. A bill line is eventually generated for each shipment after the billing interface is run.

  • Product kits, on the other hand, are billable when the required components ship in ratios that form a complete kit. If you have components that are not marked as required, those components are not considered when determining if a full kit has shipped.

    A product kit that has required stock and nonstock items is invoiced when the stock items are shipped.

    For example:

    An order is placed for five of product kit 670001−Standard Desktop System. This table lists the components for each kit and the components that are available to pick and ship:



    Component Per Kit

    Component Quantity Available

















Billing Product Kits/Configured Kits with Nonstock Components

If a kit contains required nonstock products, the number of these components that are marked for billing must equal the available stocked components to maintain the correct kit completion ratio.

Note: A product/configured kit that has required stock and non-stock items is invoiced when the stock items are shipped. If you select the Mark for Billing at Order Save option on the Order Entry Features page, the non-stock items are marked for billing when the order schedule is saved. If the Populate Billing process is run before the stocked components are shipped, the kit is not invoiced, even though the non-stock items are billable. The kit is invoiced when the stock items are shipped.

Changes to Product Kit Schedules

When an order schedule for a product kit is saved with a status of open, the demand for the stocked components is staged in the PeopleSoft Inventory demand table (IN_DEMAND) as separate demand lines that are tied to the parent product ID. The date for the demand lines is the scheduled shipment date of the order schedule. The system compares the effective date for each of the stocked components to the shipment date to determine the valid components for the kit at the time of shipment.

If you mark a product kit component obsolete after demand for the kit is sent to PeopleSoft Inventory, the demand for the kit is not changed. The fulfillment and invoicing process for the schedule continues. To correct Inventory demand, you must cancel the existing schedule for the kit and add a new schedule.

See Changing Orders.

Field or Control


Distrib. Type (distribution type)

Distribution types determine which cost of goods sold account is debited and which offset account is credited. PeopleSoft Inventory handles the distribution type for stocked items at the time of shipment. For non-stock products, optionally select a value on the Order Schedule Distribution page. If a value does not exist for non-stock order schedules, use this field to select a value for the system to use as the default for those schedules.

Note: If a direct-shipped order schedule is for a product that is normally stocked in PeopleSoft Inventory, the system uses the distribution type that is defined for that product in Inventory and not the default that you choose on this page.

Use the Mark Lines For Billing process page (RUN_OM_MARKLN) to establish the process parameters to automatically insert order schedule lines into the PeopleSoft Inventory shipping history staging table (IN_DEMAND) for non-stock and direct-shipped order schedules, insert costing data to CM_CST_NSSHIP, and set the status for non-stock products to Ready for Invoicing.

For direct-shipped schedules, you can include matched lines only, when there is a matching payables invoice for the purchasing receipt.


Order Management > Quotes and Orders > Create OM Billing Entries > Process Mark Lines for Billing

Field or Control


Mark Direct Ship If Matched Only

If you select the check box, the process inserts demand lines for direct-shipped order schedules only if there is a PeopleSoft Payables invoice for the Purchasing receipt. If you do not select this check box, all direct-shipped schedules are inserted as shipped lines (IN_DEMAND) in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Schedule Thru Date/Time (schedule through date/time)

To restrict the order schedules that are picked up by the process to a range of dates, enter a value in the field. All order schedules that are scheduled to ship at any time up to and including the value that you enter are included.

Ship Date/Time

The system uses the date that you enter as the default for non-stock order schedules. Because these schedules do not actually ship, this date indicates when the service is provided.

Use the Mark Lines for Billing page (SHIP_NONSTK) to manually record shipment history for all non-stock products, product kit components and configured kit components.


Order Management > Quotes and Orders > Create OM Billing Entries > Mark Lines For Billing

Field or Control


Quantity Shipped

The value appears by default from the line and cannot be changed if it is shipped or billed.

Undo Marked Lines

The Undo Marked Lines button allows the user to toggle between the ship mode and the undo mode.

Note: The Undo Marked Lines button will be available only if there are demand lines already marked for billing.


When lines are marked for billing, if the associated inventory item is serial and/or lot controlled, the user has the option of entering serial and lot numbers.