Setting Up Independent Sales Rebates

You must define the rebate or penalty definition and the rebate or penalty table entries before defining independent sales rebates and penalties. The rebate/penalty definitions and table entries are used for both buying agreement rebates and penalties and for independent rebates and penalties.

After defining the rebate and penalty definition and table entries, use the Sales Rebate component to define the independent sales rebate or penalty.

Perform these steps to set up individual sales rebates.

  1. Specify a rebate product ID and penalty product ID on the Order Management business unit Accounting and Billing page. Billing uses these product IDs to invoice the rebate or penalty to the customers.

  2. Set up parameters for a rebate or penalty calculation on the Rebate Penalty - Definition page. This defines the basis for comparison (amount, percent, or quantity), defines whether the rebate or penalty is an amount or a percent of some amount, and also defines the maximum rebate or penalty amount that can be applied. The comparison basis parameter of "none" is used only with buying agreement rebates and penalties in which case the system determines whether a rebate or penalty is applied based on whether the customer met the terms of the buying agreement.

  3. Set up the Rebate Penalty Table page. This defines whether the qualified sales orders must first be invoiced. It also defines the basis upon which the rebate or penalty is calculated. If using independent sales rebates, this basis can be defined on the independent sales rebate definition; it can be the difference between actual qualified sales and the amount or quantity defined on the independent sales rebate definition; or, it can simply be the qualified sales amount or quantity. If using buying agreements, this basis can be the amount or quantity defined on the buying agreement line; it can be the difference between actual qualified sales and the amount or quantity defined on the buying agreement line; or, it can simply be the actual qualified sales amount or quantity.

  4. On the Sales Rebate - Definition page, establish criteria for the sales rebate or penalty. This defines the criteria for the independent sales rebate. For buying agreement rebates and penalties, these criteria are defined in the buying agreement terms.

  5. Set up the points to calculate the rebates and penalties on the Rebate Penalty - Definition Step page. This defines the rebate or penalty breaks or steps which you can establish based on the comparison basis you choose on the Rebate Penalty - Definition page (amount, percent, or quantity).

  6. Run the Sales Rebate process (OMSRBT) to calculate the rebate or penalty.

  7. Approve the rebate or penalty on the Sales Rebates page.

  8. Run the Sales Rebate Interface process (OMSRBTIN).

    This process passes the calculated information to the Billing Interface tables for invoicing.

  9. Run the Billing Interface process (BIIF0001) to create the rebate or penalty invoice.

Note: The Rebate Penalty Definition and Definition Step page and the Rebate Penalty Table entries page are used for independent sales rebates and for buying agreement rebates and penalties.

This topic discusses how to set up sales rebate and penalties.

Page Name

Definition Name


Accounting and Billing Page


Specify a rebate and penalty product IDs to be used on the invoices.

Rebate Penalty - Definition Page


Set up the basis for comparison, the type of rebate or penalty, and the maximum rebate or penalty allowed that the system uses to calculate rebates and penalties.

Rebate Penalty - Definition Step Page


Define the points at which the penalty or rebate amount or percentage to be assigned changes.

Rebate Penalty Table Page


Define the qualified orders to be considered and define the qualified basis amount to be used for each rebate and penalty definition. Before you select a rebate or penalty definition, establish rebate and penalty definitions on the Rebate Penalty - Definition page.

Definition Page


Set up sales rebate or penalty criteria.

Customer/Product Page


Establish which customers or customer groups and product or product groups receive the sales rebate.

Sales Rebates process Page


Calculate sales rebates.

Sales Rebates Page


View the results of the Sales Rebate process, to change the results of the calculation, and to approve the rebate or penalty

Sales Rebate Interface Page


Populate the interface tables in PeopleSoft Billing to create an invoice. Refund checks are processed in PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable for rebates.

Use the Definition page (SRBT_TABLE) to set up sales rebate or penalty criteria.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Order Management Foundation > Sales Rebate Setup > Definition

Field or Control


Calendar ID

Enter to set up the rebate and penalty that is to be calculated more often within the rebate start and end dates. Each sales rebate may have one rebate or several periodic rebates between the sales rebate start and end dates. If there is no calendar ID on a sales rebate, one rebate is calculated from the rebate start and end dates. However, if you want the system to calculate a rebate every quarter or every month, you do not have to define a sales rebate for each period; simply use the calendar ID to tell the system to calculate them monthly.

Selection Date

Select Order Date, Requested Arrival Date, or Schedule Ship Date to determine which sales order date to use in determining qualified orders when running the independent sales rebate calculation process.

Rebate ID, Penalty ID

Select either or both fields to define the assign a rebate and penalty definition to the independent sales rebate. You do not have to enter both. For example, you might want to rebate a customer who meets the rebate criteria, but not penalize a customer who qualifies for a penalty. In this example, you would enter a Rebate ID only.

Compare To Criteria

The value in this field is used to determine which sales should be compared to current sales when calculating independent rebates or penalties. Sales that are considered to be current sales are indicated on the run control when you run the calculation process. In the field, select one of these options: Fixed Amount/Quantity, Previous Period, or Same Period Last Year. If you select Fixed Amount/Quantity, enter the Compare Amount or Compare Quantity. If you enter a compare amount, you must also enter a currency from the available options.

Use the Customer/Product page (SRBT_CUSTPROD_TBL) to establish which customers or customer groups and product or product groups receive the sales rebate.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Order Management Foundation > Sales Rebate Setup > Customer/Product

Field or Control


Customer ID, Customer Group, Product ID, Product Group

Depending on the selection on the Sales Rebate - Definition page, enter the customer or customer group and the product or product group. If the sales rebate is calculated against products, also select the UOM (unit of measure). The constraints defined on this page define which customers/customers groups and products/product groups will receive the rebate and/or penalty assigned to this independent sales rebate definition.

Conversion UOM (conversion unit of measure)

All other order UOMs are converted to the UOM that is specified in the field.

Use the Sales Rebates process page (RUN_OM_SRBT) to calculate sales rebates.


Order Management > Quotes and Orders > Track Sales Rebates > Request Sales Rebates > Sales Rebates

Field or Control


End Date, Calendar Method

Allows you to run the calculation process for multiple independent sales rebate definitions based on their end date or the calculation calendar period if you do not specify a Sales Rebate ID. These values can also be used to narrow the selection of independent rebates that should be calculated in this run.

Calculation Periods

Defines which sales are considered current sales for comparison with the sales defined on the independent sales rebate definition. Select Current Period, Current and Previous Period, or Previous Period as the sales activity to include in the sales rebate calculations.

Business Unit

Sales Rebate ID

Calendar Method

Calculation Periods




Current period




Previous period




Current and previous period



Monthly calendar

Current period



Quarterly calendar

Previous period



Semiannual calendar

Current and previous period

Use the Sales Rebates page (SRBT_REBATES) to .


Order Management > Quotes and Orders > Track Sales Rebates > Identify Sales Rebate Info > Sales Rebates

Field or Control


Customer ID

The rebate and penalty information appears for each. You can view and override the Rebate Amount and the Penalty Amount that result from running the Sales Rebate process.


Rebates and penalties are always created in Pending status. When you review the penalty or rebate, you must manually change the Status to Approved. The Sales Rebate Interface process (OMSRBTIN) picks up only Approved rebates or penalties. When the penalty or rebate is sent to PeopleSoft Billing, the Sales Rebate Interface process sets the Status to Granted.

Recalculate ?

If you select this option, rebates and penalties are recalculated for subsequent runs of the Sales Rebates page.

Use the Sales Rebate Interface page (RUN_OM_SRBTINTFC) to populate the interface tables in PeopleSoft Billing to create an invoice.

Refund checks are processed in PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable for rebates.


Order Management > Quotes and Orders > Track Sales Rebates > Request Sales Rebate Interface > Sales Rebate Interface

Field or Control


Business Unit and Sales Rebate ID

Enter to limit the process run. If you leave the fields blank, the process runs for all business units and sales rebate IDs.