Understanding and Setting up Customer Price Books

A Customer Price Book is a price list containing calculated product prices for a given customer. You can define a Customer Price Book by indicating an OM Business Unit and customers or customer groups. You can select search criteria and pricing options to generate various Customer Price Books for a given Customer Price Book Definition. You use an OM Business Unit to define a Customer Price Book in order to properly derive SETIDs for pricing, customer, customer group, product, and product groups.

Data generated from a Customer Price Book is called a Customer Price Book Instance. Once such an instance is generated, you are not permitted to change the data in the associated Customer Price Book Definition. This allows for the Customer Price Book data and generation option to remain synchronized. You can review, print, or email a Customer Price Book Instance after it is generated. BI Publisher output formats that are supported include PDF, HTML, RTF and XLS.

You can use an existing Customer Price Book as the source instance to compare with prices and adjustments and to create a Delta Customer Price Book. Such a Delta Customer Price Book is a complete Customer Price Book with all current data and flagged changes. You can view flagged changes only online; these do not appear in BI Publisher generated reports. You can, therefore, use a Delta Customer Price Book as the source instance to create yet another Delta Customer Price Book.

You can set up a system transaction to generate and publish Customer Price Books as application messages using Integration Broker.

You can delete Customer Price Books and Customer Price Book Instances online. In addition, a batch transaction allows you to delete expired Customer Price Book Instances and Customer Price Books with no Customer Price Book Instances assigned to them.

You can access a Customer Price Book through the Employee or Customer portal (as a self-service transaction). In the case of the Customer portal, the system applies restrictions, such as users may access information about customers they are associated with and customer price books defined for such customers, but they may not access customer groups.