Viewing Order Information

This topic lists the pages used to view order information and discusses how to view sales order summary information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Order Summary Page


View information about a single sales order.

Summary by Bill-To/PO


View orders associated with a single purchase order linked to a bill-to customer. This page appears automatically during order entry if you enter a purchase order number that is already entered on another order.

Shipments by Schedule


View shipment information for the schedule.

Shipments Invoice


View invoice information for the schedule.

Shipments by Lot/Serial


View lot and serial ID information for products that are lot or serial controlled.

Use the Order Summary page (ORDENT_SUMMARY) to view information about a single sales order.


Order Management > Quotes and Orders > Review Order Information > Review Customer Order Summary

Field or Control


Currency Detail

Click to access the Currency Data page to view or change the currency for the order. You can change the currency as long as there are no order lines.

Tax Amount

Displays a best-guess estimate of taxes for an order. This number is not posted to any tax registers. If you have PeopleSoft Billing installed, the system recalculates taxes, even if they were calculated previously in the order entry process by the Order Completion processes.

Order Total

The freight charge and tax amount are added to the total net price to derive the order total.

Note: PeopleSoft Order Management does not pass tax calculations to PeopleSoft Billing.