Displaying Item Useup Information

This topic provides an overview of item useup, and discusses how to generate a PeopleSoft Supply Planning Useup report, and review item useup information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Planning Useup Report


Define business unit and item parameters to generate a report displaying useup items, their phase-out dates, and their substitute items.

Understanding Item Useup

Review Planning Useup inquiry Page


Review item useup details, such as effectivity dates, quantity on hand at the useup date, and availability quantities of substitutes.

PeopleSoft Supply Planning enables you to plan for the end life of components and the beginning of life for their replacement components. Engineering changes, technical upgrades, and cost can create a need to replace a component.

Using PeopleSoft Supply Planning, you can:

  • Specify the phase-out date of the component.

  • Use up the remaining stock of the old component before introducing the new component into production.

  • Plan to purchase the new component (using the effectivity date), while using the old stock, until you deplete the old component supply.

Use the Item Useup inquiry page and Planning Updates report to obtain planning information about discontinued items (including the last change in the inventory position for the item and the expected ending quantity on hand at that point) and substitute items available to fulfill remaining demand for the item.

Phase-Out Dates

PeopleSoft Supply Planning considers an item's discontinuation date to be its phase-out date. On the Define Business Unit Item - General page, select Discontinue in the Current or Future status fields for items that you want to phase-out. If you define the Current date field with the value Discontinue, the system uses the effective date of the status as the phase-out date. If you defined the Future date field with the value Discontinue, the system uses the effective date of the future status as the phase-out date.

PeopleSoft Supply Planning does not generate new supply nor does it replenish safety stock levels after an item's phase-out date. If the item is required as a component in a production ID after the phase-out date, solvers use substitutes defined on BOM to fulfill any unsatisfied demand. If no available quantity on hand exists for a substitute, the solvers create new supply for the substitute.

Post Updates Process

The Post Updates process writes useup information back to PeopleSoft SCM. For each discontinued item, the Post Updates process publishes the last date that a supply or demand has occurred (the useup date), as well as the final inventory balance resulting from that change in inventory position (the useup quantity on hand).

Use the Review Planning Useup (inquiry) page (PL_USEUP_ITEMS) to review item useup details, such as effectivity dates, quantity on hand at the useup date, and availability quantities of substitutes.


Supply Planning > Commit Plan > Planning > Review Planning Useup

Field or Control


Item ID

Displays the parent item for the item being queried.

Useup Date

Indicates the projected useup date based on the last change in inventory position for the item.

Phase-Out Date

Indicates when useup logic should go into effect for the original component. After the phase-out date, solvers use supplies but do not replenish the stock for the original component.

Useup Quantity On Hand

Displays the projected quantity on hand at the time of the projected useup date.

Quantity Available

Displays the current quantity available from PeopleSoft Inventory.

Planning Date and Time

Displays the date and time of the last Post Updates process.

Component Where Used

Field or Control


Component ID

Indicates the name of the component being used in the corresponding operation sequence.

BOM State

Specifies whether the BOM is an engineering BOM or a production BOM.

BOM Type

Only BOM types defined as Production are visible in PeopleSoft Supply Planning. For rework and teardown BOM types, PeopleSoft Supply Planning uses the production ID for component and operation lists.

BOM Code

Displays the BOM used to generate the initial component list for the order.

Operation Sequence

Indicates where in the manufacturing process you need the component. The operation sequence refers to an operation on the assembly item's routing. The default operation sequence is 0, which is the first operation of the manufacturing process.

Define the operation sequence on the item's routing by using the Routing Definition Summary page. If you set the operation sequence for all of the items to 0, the system assumes that all of the component items are needed at the beginning of production and therefore must be issued at the start of the first operation.

Standard UOM (standard unit of measure)

Displays the item's standard UOM defined in the transaction system. The system displays all of the quantities in PeopleSoft Supply Planning in the item's UOM.

Effective Date and Obsolete Date

Displays the effective and obsolete dates for the components on a BOM.

Substitute Items

Field or Control



Displays the substitution item priority rank.

Substitute Item ID

Displays the unique substitute item for the item. When you define substitutes for items on the Manufacturing BOMs - Components: Substitutes page, PeopleSoft Supply Planning automatically selects these substitutes when the quantity on hand for discontinued items runs out. If you do not define substitutes for items designated as discontinued, a shortage of that item might occur if demand exceeds the existing quantity on hand.

From Date and To Date

Displays the start and end date to indicate when the substitution is valid.


Indicates the quantity of the substitute item required to replace the original item in the item's standard UOM. The conversion rate can be different at the SetID, business unit, and BOM levels.

Quantity Available

Displays the current quantity available from PeopleSoft Inventory or the substitute item.