Loading Planning Instances

This topic provides an overview of the Load Planning Instance process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Load Planning Instance - General: Common Page


Define general planning parameters, such as time frames and run type, and start solvers.

Load Planning Instance - General: Inventory Policy Page


Define general PeopleSoft Inventory Policy Planning parameters.

Load Planning Instance - Orders/Forecast: Orders Page


Define supply and demand order type parameters.

Load Planning Instance - Orders/Forecast: Forecasts Page


Define supply and demand forecast type parameters.

When you transfer information from the transaction system to the planning instance, you must populate the optimization tables that make up the planning instance with information that is pertinent to PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

To populate the optimization tables, enter information on the Load Planning Instance component run control page. This information—the types of data to include in the next run of the Load Planning Instance process—is keyed by planning instance and is saved onto the Planning Instance table, enabling you to determine all parameters that are used for the current incarnation of the planning instance.

Note: You must create a planning instance before you specify it on the Load Planning Instance component run control page. Define planning instances on the Planning Instance Definition page, where you can associate business unit groups and items with a planning instance.

Optimization Table Data and Run Types

The optimization tables contain two types of data: static and dynamic. Static data refers to data that is updated less frequently, and generally includes item, bill of material, routing, business unit, date penalty, calendar, and sourcing option data. Dynamic data refers to data that is often revised, added, and removed. Examples of dynamic data are forecasts, sales orders, production orders, transfer orders, quantity on hand, and purchase orders.

You can select from three run types when refreshing the optimization tables: full regenerative, regenerative select, and net change. Each run type processes static and dynamic data differently.

Multi-Process Optimization Table Load

You can load the optimization tables using the Optimization Table Load process (PL_LOAD_OPT) or using the Multi-Process Optimization Table Load job (PL_LDOPT), which separates the Load Optimization process into several child processes to enable concurrency. Multi-process optimization enables you to use multi-CPU servers or schedule child processes to occur on different servers.

PeopleSoft Supply Planning uses JobSet functionality to enable you to schedule a combination of serial and parallel jobs. When you select the Multi-Process Opt Table Load job on the Process Scheduler page, the system schedules the processes to run serially or parallel, as needed. If a process fails, the system determines which, if any, subsequent processes it should run. For example, suppose that the Multi-Process Optimization Table Load Start process (PL_LOAD_MPS) fails; the system will not run subsequent processes. However, if the Production Opt Table Load process (PL_LOAD_PROD) fails, the system will still run the Sales Order Optimization Table Load process (PL_LOAD_SO), as the remaining processes in the Multi-Process Optimization Table Load job can run independently of the others. If any single process fails, you can correct the situation, then select the Regenerative Select run type option to load the corrected section.

Use the Load Planning Instance - General: Common page (PL_LOAD_OPT_REQ1) to define general planning parameters, such as time frames and run type, and start solvers.


Supply Planning > Create Plan > Load Planning Instance

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Load Planning Instance - General: Common page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Load Planning Instance - General: Common page

Field or Control


Run Type

You can select from three run types when refreshing the optimization tables. Values are:

Regenerative: The system deletes all rows for a planning instance from the optimization tables, refreshes all of the static data, and refreshes the dynamic data that is specified in the run control parameters.

Regenerative Select: Enables you to refresh the dynamic data, such as forecasts, sales, buying agreements, production, transfers, stock requests, purchase orders, and quantities on hand. The system deletes all of the current rows for a planning instance involving the dynamic structures that you selected at run time and rebuilds only those dynamic tables. For the regenerative select run type, the system adds dynamic data only for items that already exist in the planning instance. The date range for the regenerative select option is based on the original full planning instance regeneration, and cannot be changed in the regenerative select mode.

Note: Ensure that the types of objects in the process instance remain synchronous. If you regenerate sales orders but not quantity on hand, for example, it is possible that a sales order that shipped will not be represented but the quantity on hand will still remain.

For example, suppose that the available inventory for an item is ten, and you receive a sales order requesting seven of that item. Available inventory for that item is now three. In the transaction system, you record the shipment. As a result, the available inventory remains at three, while the outstanding quantity to ship is zero. If you refresh the sales orders in PeopleSoft Supply Planning, but you do not refresh the inventory quantity on hand, the inventory balance in PeopleSoft Supply Planning remains at ten, but the sales order demand is updated to zero. In is example, PeopleSoft Supply Planning assumes that it can satisfy demands of ten, when available inventory can only satisfy supplies of three.

Net Change: Enables you to add new rows and delete old rows of data from the optimization tables, and synchronizes the transaction and optimization tables with the least amount of data changes. The date range for this run type is based on the original full planning instance. The net change run type is available for dynamic data only.

Base Currency

Select a value if you want PeopleSoft Supply Planning to calculate item cost in a single, common currency when multiple currency values are valid. Currency codes that you set up on the Set Up Financials/Supply Chain - Currency Code page appear as values.

Rate Type

Select a value to define the exchange rate that the system uses to convert item costs from other currencies to the single currency code that you selected in the Base Currency field. You can use these two fields if you are transferring stock from a business unit that uses a different currency from the receiving unit. For example, suppose that you are transferring stock from Mexican pesos to Canadian dollars; you can select to convert those values to a single base currency, such as U.S. dollars. In doing so, you work with only a single base representation of costs in the planning instance.

See Setting Up Sourcing Templates.


Field or Control


Current Option

Select either Date or Offset. Values that are entered in the Current Offset field will allow the planning fences to be based on a set amount of days earlier or later than the current date.

During a full regenerative run, the current date, start date, and end date can change; otherwise, the dates in the Current Option, Current Date, Start, and End fields are fixed at the dates determined by any original regenerative run. You can modify the dates in the Capacity, Early, and Late fields to update the planning instance.

Use the start fence and end fence to define the data for inclusion in the planning instance. Use the early fence to define a date prior to which the solvers will make no changes. You can override the early fence on an item-by-item basis. Use the late fence as a cutoff point for the violation and exception workbenches. The system generates no violations or exceptions after the late fence. Use the capacity fence to limit capacity planning. The system does not plan for capacity after the capacity fence date.

Planning Engine

Field or Control


Pre-Load Auto-Shutdown

Select to stop the planning engine before running the Load Planning Instance process.

Post-Load Auto-Startup

Select to start the planning engine after you run the Load Planning Instance process.


Specify the location of a planning server where you want to start the planning engine after the Load Planning Instance has finished. If you do not specify a URL here, the system uses the default URL.

To obtain a URL, the system uses the domain that you use to run solver if the planning instance is running. If the planning instance is not running, and you did not specify a domain, or if the planning instance fails to start on the domain that you specify, the system uses the default domain that you define on the Planning Engine Domains page.

A non-active page that is related to a deprecated product.

Use the Load Planning Instance - Orders/Forecast: Orders page (PL_LOAD_OPT_REQ2) to define supply and demand order type parameters.


Supply Planning > Create Plan > Load Planning Instance

Field or Control


Apply Demand Priorities

Select if you want solvers to use demand priorities for scheduling supply to meet demand. PeopleSoft Supply Planning enables you to define a set of rules to prioritize the distribution of demand when demand exceeds the available inventory on hand. The system uses these demand priority rules to determine the order in which you fulfill demand. Set up demand priority rules on the Priority Rules page.

If you do not select this option, the system assigns all of the demand transactions the same priority: 999.

See Setting Up Demand Priority Rules.

Delete Extra Demand

During a full regeneration of a planning instance, select this check box to purge the extra demand table for the planning instance. Deselect this check box to retain the extra demand.

You can use the PeopleSoft Supply Planning extra demand feature to simulate demand that has not been realized in the form of a sales order, quote, buying agreement, forecast, production component requirement, transfer order, or material stock request transaction type. The solvers consider extra demand as another demand stream. Unless the extra demand is frozen, solvers can reschedule extra demand to another due date.

Firm/Frozen Plan Orders Only

Select to include only planned orders with a firm or frozen status.

Freeze Pegged Orders

Select if pegged orders should be frozen as they are loaded into the Planning Instance. This will prevent the solvers from updating the orders.


Select the types of customer orders that you want to include in the Load Planning Instance process. You can include sales orders, quotes, or buying agreements.

Field or Control


Accept % (accept percentage)

If you elected to include sales quotes when loading the optimization tables, you can specify the quote acceptance percentage or the minimum success percentage acceptable as demand as defined on each sales quotation header. Consider, for example, that you defined the quote acceptance percentage as 80. If 1500 sales quotations are currently active in PeopleSoft Order Management, 350 of which have a success percentage of 80 percent or better, then the system considers the 350 quotations as demand. The system does not consider the sales quotations under 80 percent, because they are less than the quote acceptance percentage. If you do not specify a percentage here, no quotes are loaded.

Demand Date

The date on which the customer order demand is recognized. Solvers attempt to satisfy the demand on the selected date, and forecast consumption recognizes the demand as occurring on the selected date. Values are:

  • Schedule Date: Select when you want the plan to recognize demand and consume the forecast based on the order scheduled ship date. This is the default value.

    Because the planning solvers reschedule the customer orders scheduled ship dates based on the Demand Date option before the netting of demand and supply begins, you might want to select Schedule Date.

  • Request Date: Select if you want the plan to recognize demand and consume the forecast based on the customer requested ship date.

Note: No scheduled ship dates exist for buying agreements, so the system selects Requested Date as the default value for all of the buying agreements.


Select any of the order demand types in this group box to include in the next Load Planning Instance process.


Select the types of supply that you want to include in the Load Planning Instance process. Usually, you want to include all of the supply options when using a regenerative run type. For net changes, you can create a separate run control to include net change data for different types of supply and demand. For example, you can create a net change run control to select production data at the end of each shift.

On Hand Options

Field or Control


Quantity On Hand

Select to include inventory balances when loading data into the planning instance.

Only Changed Items

Select during regenerative select or net change processes to update quantity on hand for only those items that had demand or supply added or deleted.

Use the Load Planning Instance - Orders/Forecast: Forecasts page (PL_LOAD_OPT_REQ3) to define supply and demand forecast type parameters.


click the Forecast link on the Load Planning Instance - Orders/Forecast: Orders page

Field or Control


Forecast Source

Values are:

  • Forecast Sets: Select to include processing that is associated with item forecast sets from PeopleSoft Inventory or product forecast sets from PeopleSoft Order Management. Do not select this value to disable the processing that is associated with forecast sets.

  • Published Forecasts: Select to include processing that is associated with forecasts for PeopleSoft Publish Forecast tables in Advanced Planning. Data for these forecasts originates in Demantra Demand Management. Do not select this value to disable the processing that is associated with published forecasts.

  • No Forecast: Select to disable the processing that is associated with forecasts.

See Understanding Demantra Integration.

Forecast Set

Specify the forecast set to use for the planning session. Forecast sets are not used when you are loading published forecasts.

You can define different versions of forecasts for PeopleSoft Supply Planning. For example, you might select OPTIMISTIC and LIKELY to create two unique forecast sets. For each case, you can define forecast quantities by product or item to create what-if scenarios with different versions of the material and capacity plan based on different forecasts. You can load only one forecast set into a planning instance at one time.

This field is available only when you select Use Forecast Sets.

Weight Profile

Displays the PeopleSoft weight profile that the system uses to convert the item's forecast into daily intervals. The system initially populates this field with the default profile name ALLDAYS. You can override this value.

This field is available only when you select Use Forecast Sets.

See Calendar Weight Profiles Page.

Publish Name

Specify the published forecast that you want from PeopleSoft Publish Forecast tables in Advanced Planning. The forecast data comes from Demantra Demand Management.

This field is available only when you select Use Published Forecasts.

Use Latest Published Forecast and Publish Date

Select to use the last set of data that was provided by Demantra Demand Management to PeopleSoft Publish Forecast tables in Advanced Planning. Otherwise, enter a specific date in the Publish Date field.

These fields are available only when you select Use Published Forecasts.

Map ID

Select a map ID. You use map IDs to create a unique collection of data that the system uses to map forecast data fields from PeopleSoft to Demantra Demand Management flat files. During the demand export and forecast import processes, the system uses the map ID to track forecast data that you can select for use with Supply Planning. Map IDs are defined using the Define Field Mappings component in Advanced Planning.

Array, Business Unit Field, Item/Product Field, and Forecast Type

Display values associated to using a published forecast. When you enter a map ID, the system displays the forecast type. These fields are available only when you select Use Published Forecasts.

Bucket Size

Indicate the size of bucketed time periods to use for forecasting. Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. Monthly buckets begin on the first of the month and weekly buckets begin on a Sunday.

Note: Use weekly or monthly buckets, because the forecast is consumed only by orders within the same bucket.

Item/Product Field

Displays the key field when you select to use published forecasts.

Fulfill Fence (days)

Indicate the number of days from the current date that the planning engine uses as the forecast fulfillment time fence.

When a forecasted demand occurs within the time fence and cannot be met entirely, the system cancels the forecast tasks representing portions of the forecast that cannot be met. If the forecasted demand that occurs past the time fence cannot be met entirely, the system delays and rolls forward to future planning buckets (where they can be satisfied) forecast tasks representing portions of the forecast that cannot be met. Solvers determine how many forecast tasks can be satisfied and where to reschedule the unfulfilled forecast tasks. If you do not enter a value in this field, the default is the current date.

Forecast fulfillment is the process that the planning engine uses to manage forecasted demand over a period of time. Forecast fulfillment enables you to divide the total forecast demand into portions based on an item's forecast fulfillment size to meet certain portions of the forecast if the total forecast cannot be met. The planning engine can meet the supply shortage during the same planning bucket in which the shortage occurs or carry it over into the next bucket.

Forecast Load

Select to front-load the forecast and produce demand at the beginning of the forecast period so that the supply must be available at the beginning of the period. If you select the Back Load option, the forecast produces demand at the end of the forecast period so that supply can be scheduled during the period. Front Load is the default option. When forecasted demand cannot be supplied, the solvers look at forecast tasks and how their forecasts were loaded to determine whether forecast tasks are late. When a task is late, the solvers determine whether the task should be delayed or canceled.

Forecast Consumption

Forecast consumption options enable you to control the forecast consumption calculations.

Consumption demands are defined at the business unit item level. Inventory items consume sales orders, quotes, buying agreements, transfers, material stock requests, extra demand, and production. Planning items consume nothing. Each demand transaction's consume forecast attribute flag must be defined as True to make the transaction eligible for forecast consumption

Field or Control


Allow Forecast Consumption

Select to indicate that you want PeopleSoft Supply Planning to consume the forecast. If you do not select this option, the solver assumes that forecast values loaded into the planning instance are net forecasts.

Explode Demand for Consumption

Select to consume forecast against production component demand. .

If the primary sourcing option is a production option, the forecast consumption process calculates the component requirements that are necessary to satisfy all of the demands for that item, based on the bills of material. For each component that is marked as consuming forecast against production demand, these requirements are then consumed against the forecasts that are defined for the component. . Do not select the Explode demand for Consumption check box if forecast consumption occurs for customer order demand, extra demand, stock requests, or transfer demand only.

To explode demand for forecast consumption:

  1. For the demand order, determine the forecast bucket to which you add the demand based on the target due date.

  2. Use the default item sourcing option as the primary way to source the item.

    • For a purchase option, stop the explosion, because the item is sourced externally.

    • For a production option, look at each component of the bill of materials and calculate the required quantity. To calculate the quantity, multiply the quantity per assembly by the order quantity. If the component is marked as consuming production demand, this quantity is consumed against the component's forecast. For each component that is marked to explode for consumption, repeat this step using the component required quantity.

    • For a transfer option, check the item in the sourcing business unit. If it is marked to explode for consumption, repeat this step using the order quantity.

Stock Request Shipments

Select if you want shipped stock requests loaded into the planning instance to consume forecast.

Transfer Demand Shipments

Select if you want shipped transfer orders that were already received by the destination business unit loaded into the planning instance to consume forecast in the source business unit.

Sales Order Shipments

Select if you want shipped sales orders loaded into the planning instance to consume forecast.

Consumption Sequence

Indicate whether consumption should occur before or after the proration to PeopleSoft Supply Planning forecast buckets.

This field is valid only if bucketed forecasts are using published forecasts.