Accruing Receipts

This section discusses how to run the Receipt Accrual process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Accrue Receipts Page


Run the Receipt Accrual process.

Accrue Receipt Page


Run the Receipt Accrual process, the Miscellaneous Charges process, or both.

Accrue Receipts Page

Use the Accrue Receipts page (RCPT_RUN_CNTRL) to run the Receipt Accrual process.


Purchasing > Receipts > Accrue Receipts

Note: The reversal code of the Journal Generator template, REC_ACCRUE, must first be set to Do Not Generate Reversal on the Journal Generator Template - Defaults page.

If any ChartFields are designated on the Detail Ledger Group - Chartfield page as Balanced, you need to select the Always Inherit rule for those ChartFields on the Chartfield Inheritance page.

As of Date

Field or Control


Acctg Date (accounting date)

Select an accounting date to use for the period ending date. The current date appears by default. The system checks the accounting date against the open period date range specified on the Open Period Update page. Receipts dated after this accounting date do not accrue.


Field or Control


All Business Units

Select this option to accrue qualifying receipts for all business units. If you select this processing option, the system validates that the accounting date is in an open period for all business units. If the validation fails for a business unit, the system creates an error message. You have to either correct the error before continuing the process or use the single business unit option.

Business Units

Select this option to accrue qualifying receipts for a specific business unit. If selected, enter a business unit in the Values group box.


Select this option to accrue qualifying amounts for received items on a specific receipt. If selected, enter a business unit and receipt number in the Values group box.

Additional Setting

Field or Control


Default Entry Event Code

Select a default entry event.

For purchase order receipts with no entry event code on the purchase order distribution line, the value selected here populates the expense and accrual accounting lines, and the encumbrance line is blank.

If there is already an entry event code on the purchase order distribution line, it is not replaced by the value selected on this page, and the entry event code populates expense, accrual, and encumbrance accounting lines.

For non-purchase order receipts, the value selected here populates the expense and accrual accounting lines.