Associating to, Dissociating from, and Modifying Associated Vendor Rebate Agreements Line by Line to Purchase Orders Manually

This section discusses how to associate to, dissociate from, and modify existing rebate agreements line by line to purchase orders.

Page Name

Definition Name


Backdate Vendor Rebates Page


Maintain Vendor Rebate agreement associations with purchase orders.

Backdate Vendor Rebates - Rebate Agreement ID Lookup Page


Search for vendor rebate agreements that you want to associate with the purchase order lines.

Backdate Vendor Rebates Page

Backdate Vendor Rebates - Rebate Agreement ID Lookup Page


Search for vendor rebate agreements that you want to associate with this specific purchase order line.

Backdate Vendor Rebates Page

Use the Backdate Vendor Rebates page (VRBT_BACKDATE) to maintain vendor rebate agreement associations with purchase orders.


Purchasing > supplier Rebates > Backdate Vendor Rebates > Backdate Vendor Rebates

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Backdate Vendor Rebates page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Backdate Vendor Rebates page

The Backdate Vendor Rebates page enables you to maintain vendor rebate agreement associations with purchase order lines.

Associating Vendor Rebate Agreements with Purchase Orders

To associate a vendor rebate agreement with a purchase order:

  1. Select the search criteria for the purchase order in the Search Criteria group box, and then click the Get PO Lines button.

    • Select the Exclude Lines with Rebate IDs check box to have the system display all purchase orders that match the search criteria and do not have a vendor rebate agreement associated with them.

      Results are shown in the PO Lines group box at the bottom of the page. This is the normal option for associating vendor rebate agreements with purchase orders.

    • Clear the Exclude Lines with Rebate IDs check box to have the system display all purchase orders that match the search criteria and have a vendor rebate agreement associated with them.

      Results are shown in the PO Lines group box at the bottom of the page. Purchase orders that are not associated with a vendor rebate agreement will not appear.

  2. Select Associate New Rebate ID in the Selected PO Lines Action field.

  3. Enter the vendor rebate agreement that you want to associate with the purchase order lines in the New Rebate ID field.

  4. Select the purchase order lines that you want to associate with the new rebate agreement.

  5. Click the Apply button.

    The system will display messages stating whether the modification was successful or unsuccessful.

Dissociating Vendor Rebate Agreements from Purchase Orders

To dissociate a Vendor rebate agreement from a purchase order:

  1. Select the search criteria for the purchase order in the Search Criteria group box, and then click the Get PO Lines button.

    Clear the Exclude Lines with Rebate IDs check box to have the system display all purchase orders that match the search criteria and have a vendor rebate agreement associated with them.

    Results are shown in the PO Lines group box at the bottom of the page. Purchase orders that are not associated with a vendor rebate agreement will not appear. This is the normal option for dissociating vendor rebate agreements from purchase orders.

  2. Select Dissociate Existing Rebate IDs in the Selected PO Lines Action field.

  3. Select the purchase order lines that you want to dissociate a vendor rebate agreement from.

  4. Click the Apply button.

    The system will display messages stating whether the modification was successful or unsuccessful.

Modifying Associated Vendor Rebate Agreements Line by Line to Purchase Orders

To modify a associated vendor rebate agreement line by line to purchase orders:

  1. Select the search criteria for the purchase order in the Search Criteria group box, and then click the Get PO Lines button.

    • Select the Exclude Lines with Rebate IDs check box to have the system display all purchase orders that match the search criteria and do not have a vendor rebate agreement associated with them.

      Results are shown in the PO Lines group box at the bottom of the page.

    • Clear the Exclude Lines with Rebate IDs check box to have the system display all purchase orders that match the search criteria and have a vendor rebate agreement associated with them.

      Results are shown in the PO Lines group box at the bottom of the page. Purchase orders that are not associated with a vendor rebate agreement will not appear.

  2. Select Modify Rebate IDs Line-by-Line in the Selected PO Lines Action field.

  3. Enter the new vendor rebate agreement next to each purchase order line that you want to modify using the New Rebate ID field in the PO Lines group box.

  4. Click the Apply button.

    The system will display messages stating whether the modification was successful or unsuccessful.