Capturing Item Miscellaneous Charges

To define miscellaneous charges for item and category suppliers, use the Item and Category supplier Miscellaneous Charges component (ITM_CAT_VNDR_MC).

This section discusses how to assign miscellaneous charges and templates to items and categories.

Page Name

Definition Name


Miscellaneous Charges Selection Page


Enter the criteria for the miscellaneous charges that will appear on the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page.

Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous Page


Assign miscellaneous charges and miscellaneous charge templates to different item and category combinations.

Miscellaneous Charges Selection Page

Use the Miscellaneous Charges Selection page (ITM_CAT_MC_CRITERA) to enter the criteria for the miscellaneous charges that will appear on the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page.


  • Items > Define Items and Attributes > Item/Category Misc. Charges > Miscellaneous Charges Selection

  • Click the Selection Criteria link on the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page

Field or Control



Select a value to associate these miscellaneous charges with a category-supplier business unit ship-to location, category supplier business unit, category supplier combination, or category. Otherwise, leave the field blank.


Select a value to associate these miscellaneous charges with an item-supplier business unit ship-to location, item supplier business unit, item supplier combination, or item. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

Supplier, Location, Ship To, Unit

If you want to associate these miscellaneous charges with a combination that includes any of these fields, select a value for the field.

Template ID

To apply a template of miscellaneous charges, select the template ID. Miscellaneous charge templates are defined on the Misc Chg/Landed Cost Template (miscellaneous charge/landed cost template) page.

Calc Method (calculation method)

Select the method to use to calculate this charge:

FL (flat amount): A flat amount that you enter in the Amount field.

FR (free): No charge is applied.

UNT (per unit amount): Calculates the charge based on the number of items on the purchase order line.

VAL (percent of value): Calculates the charge based on a percentage of the material value.

VOL (rate based on volume): Calculates the charge based on the total volume for the purchase order line.

WT (rate based on weight): Calculates the charge based on the total weight for the purchase order line.

Alloc Method (allocation method)

Select the method to use to allocate the miscellaneous charge: None, Quantity, Volume, Weight, or Matl Value (material value). Charges are allocated based on the value of the items on each selected line.

Merch Supplier (merchandise supplier)

This check box setting appears by default from the miscellaneous charge's purchasing attributes on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page. If you select this check box, charges are paid to the purchase order supplier. If you do not select this check box, you can use the Supplier and Supplier Location fields to designate a third-party supplier.