Creating Purchasing Kits

To define purchasing kits, use the Purchasing Kit component (ITM_CONFIG_TBL).

This section provides an overview of purchasing kits and lists the page used to create purchasing kits.

Page Name

Definition Name


Purchasing Kit Definition Page


Define purchasing kits.

A purchasing kit is a set of components that comprise two or more items. Purchasing kits contain items and quantities that are often ordered together.

When you enter a requisition or purchase order, you can order by purchasing kit ID to capture all items and quantities in the kit instead of entering each item and quantity separately.

When you enter a purchasing kit ID on a transaction line, the system creates a separate line for each of the kit's component items. The quantity of each line item is by default the quantity of that item per kit multiplied by the number of kits that you order. For example, if a kit includes one CD-ROM drive and two speakers and you order two kits, the system generates a line for the CD-ROM drive with a quantity of two and a line for the speakers with a quantity of four.

The account and alternate account that you define on the purchasing kit definition appears on the requisition distribution line when you associate a purchasing kit with a requisition.